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Navicat Premium(一款支持多种数据库的管理工具):



Navicat Premium (patch and keygen)-LMLPHP

patch and keygen(见附件):

Navicat Premium (patch and keygen)-LMLPHP

How to active:

1. Application: Install (just get a Trial copy from URL: "http://www.navicat.com/download/navicat-premium").

2. Keymaker: Run with Administrator rights.

3. Keymaker: Select the application you installed.

4. Keymaker: Click on "Patch" and select the application's executable file (application may not be running).

5. Keymaker: Click "Generate". You have to save your activation

file to a place where the Application can access it (e.g. Your default user's Desktop).

6. Turn off your internet connection.

7. Application: Paste the serial generated by our Keymaker.

Hold CTRL+SHIFT on your keyboard and click on the "Activate" button.

A new window will open - here you have to select the keyfile that

was generated during Step 5. Your application is now activated.


Navicat Premium (patch and keygen)-LMLPHP

(找了好久的一款注册机,与大家一起分享,此注册机只支持英文版 ^_^)

本文出自 “人生理想在于坚持不懈” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://sofar.blog.51cto.com/353572/1304734

05-28 07:50