
GitHub地址:FightingBob 【Give me a star , thanks.】

  • 词频统计

  对纯英语的文本文件【Eg: 瓦尔登湖(英文版).txt】的英文单词出现的次数进行统计,并记录起来

  • 代码实现

  •  import string
    from os import path
    with open('瓦尔登湖(英文版).txt','rb') as text1:
    words = [word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for word in str(text1.read()).split()]
    words_index = set(words)
    count_dict = {index:words.count(index) for index in words_index}
    with open(path.dirname(__file__) + '/file1.txt','a+') as text2:
    text2.writelines('以下是词频统计的结果:' + '\n')
    for word in sorted(count_dict,key=lambda x:count_dict[x],reverse=True):
    text2.writelines('{}--{} times'.format(word,count_dict[word]) + '\n')
  • 代码解析  

    • 获取文件,以二进制格式打开文件,用于读取内容

      •   1 with open('瓦尔登湖(英文版).txt','rb') as text1:

    • 获取单词列表

      • 先读取内容

        •   content = text1.read()
      • 再获取单词列表(使用split() 通过指定分隔符对字符串进行切片)

        •   words = content.split()
      • 单词大写改小写,去掉单词前后符号

        •   word,strip(string.punctuation).lower()
      • 去除重复的单词

        •   words_index = set(words)
    • 设置单词:单词次数的字典      

      •   count_dict = {index:words.count(index) for index in words_index}
    • 写入词频统计

      • 先创建文件,获取当前目录,并以追加写入的方式写入

        •   with open(path.dirname(__file__) + '/file1.txt','a+') as text2:
      • 换行写入

        •   text2.writelines('以下是词频统计的结果:' + '\n')
      • 对单词进行排序,根据次数从大到小【key=lambda x:count_dict[x]以值排序】

        •   sorted(count_dict,key=lambda x:count_dict[x],reverse=True)
      • 换行写入词频

        •   text2.writelines('{}--{} times'.format(word,count_dict[word]) + '\n')
      • 关闭资源

        •   text1.close()
        •   text2.close()

GitHub地址:FightingBob 【Give me a star , thanks.】          

05-11 17:47