Datacenter for this Linode is not eligible for upgrades.
This Linode has pending upgrades. The resources that are affected include:

RAM goes from 1024 MB to 2048 MB

Storage goes from 24 GB to 50 GB

Outbound Mbits goes from 125 Mbits to 2000 Mbits

How it Works
After entering the upgrade queue, the following will occur:

Wait your turn in the upgrade queue.
Your Linode will be shut down and its disk images will be migrated.
Your Linode will be upgraded and booted (if it was previously running).
After the migration completes, you can take advantage of the new resources by resizing your disk images.
山东网友:不知道 借楼无线出linode
云南网友:此Linode的数据中心不符合升级条件。这个Linode有待升级。受影响的资源包括:RAM从1024 MB到2048 MB存储容量从24 GB到50 GB出站Mbits从125 Mbits到2000 Mbits这个怎么运作进入升级队列后,将发生以下情况:在升级队列中等待轮到你。您的Linode将被关闭,其磁盘映像将被迁移。您的Linode将升级并启动(如果之前正在运行)。迁移完成后,您可以通过调整磁盘映像的大小来利用新资源。
青海网友:前数据中心的了吧  jp2同价格 比jp1是多一倍。现在jp1都要迁jp2,自动升级成等价的jp2 配置吧


02-06 13:02