SVM(Support Vector Machines)
0. Introduction
- Capable of performing linear or nonlinear classification, regression, and even outlier detection
- Well suited for classification of complex but small- or medium-sized datasets
1. Linear SVM Classifcation
- Fitting the widest possible street between the classes. This is called large margin classifcation 寻找一个离实例最宽的街道平面
- it is fully determined (or ‘supported’) by the instances located on the edge of the street. These instances are called the support vectors 街道完全是被边缘上的实例所影响的,这些实例就是支持向量
- SVMs are sensitive to the feature scales
Hard margin classifcation
strictly impose that all instances be off the street
two main issues ——- the data is linearly separable
- it is quite sensitive to outliers
Soft Margin Classifcation
允许部分异常值出现在street里面,The objective is to find a good balance between keeping the street as large as possible and limiting the margin violations
用C hyperparameter控制street的宽度 ——- C越大,宽度越小,对模型要求越严格
- C越小,宽度越大,对模型要求越不严格
三种实现API ——
- LinearSVC(C=1, loss=“hinge”)
- SGDClassifier(loss=“hinge”, alpha=1/(m*C)) be useful to handle huge datasets that do not fit in memory (out-of-core training), or to handle online classification tasks
- SVC(kernel=“linear”, C=1) 核函数优化
2. Nonlinear SVM Classifcation
Polynomial Kernel
the kernel trick 核函数,可以模拟出多项式的效果,without actually having to add them —— SVC(kernel=“poly”, degree=3, coef0=1, C=5), 【degree,多项式的阶; coef0 controls how much the model is influenced by highdegree polynomials versus low-degree polynomials,C controls the width of street,C越大对street要求越严格】 -
Gaussian RBF Kernel
处理非线性数据,另一种方法是Adding Similarity Features,坐标系转换 —— 选择landmark,将每个点的坐标映射到与这个landmark的相似关系(a similarity function)中去,RBF就是一个这样的点X围绕点l转换的公式
G a u s s i a n R B F ϕ γ ( X , l ) = e − γ ∣ ∣ X − l ∣ ∣ 2 Gaussian \; RBF \; \phi\gamma(X, l) = e^{-\gamma||X-l||^2} GaussianRBFϕγ(X,l)=e−γ∣∣X−l∣∣2
The simplest approach is to create a landmark at the location of each and every instance,将数据从非线性的X(m, n) 转成 线性的X(m, m)
SVC(kernel=“rbf”, gamma=5, C=0.001)
超参数1 —— gamma (γ),作为指数项里面的一个超参数,控制决策边界的regular程度,gamma越大,指数值变化越快,钟型曲线越陡峭,拟合程度越高,偏差越小,方差越大
超参数2 —— C,同上述,控制street的宽度,C越大,street越窄,模型偏差越小,方差越大
C越小,street越宽,模型偏差越大,方差越小 -
Computational Complexity
3. SVM Regression
- Linear SVM Regression
the training data should be scaled and centered first
超参ϵ epsilon越小,方差越大 - Nonlinear regression tasks
SVR(kernel=“poly”, degree=2, C=100, epsilon=0.1)
超参C越小,more regularization
4. Under the Hood
Decision Function and Predictions
1)新约定,the bias term will be called b,the feature weights vector will be called w,No bias feature x_0
Decision function —— 决策函数是一个n+1维的超平面
Decision boundary —— 决策边界是当决策函数值为0时的一个n维的超平面,the set of points where the decision function is equal to 0
Margin boundary —— street的边界是 the decision function is equal to 1 or –1的超平面,永远和决策边界平行
3)Linear SVM classifer
y ^ = { 0 i f w T x + b < 0 1 i f w T x + b ≥ 0 \hat{y} = \begin{cases} 0 \quad if \; w^Tx+b<0 \\ 1 \quad if \; w^Tx+b\geq 0 \end{cases} y^={0ifwTx+b<01ifwTx+b≥0 -
Training Objective
1)Hard margin
define t(i) = –1 for negative instances (if y(i) = 0) and t(i) = 1 for positive instances (if y(i) = 1)
2)Soft margin
同时权衡最大化边界 和 允许部分实例落入边界
ζ表示可以出现在street内的概率 —— define ζ(i) measures how much the i instance is allowed to violate the margin
超参C也就是上文的C —— 当C越大,ζ越小,模型的方差越大,street的width越小;当C越小,ζ越大,模型的偏差越大,street的width越大
H a r d m a r g i n l i n e a r S V M c l a s s i f i e r o b j e c t i v e m i n i m i z e w , b 1 2 w T w s u b j e c t t o t ( i ) ( w T ⋅ x ( i ) + b ) ≥ 1 f o r i = 1 , 2 , ⋯ m S o f t m a r g i n l i n e a r S V M c l a s s i f i e r o b j e c t i v e m i n i m i z e w , b 1 2 w T w + C ∑ i = 1 m ζ ( i ) s u b j e c t t o t ( i ) ( w T ⋅ x ( i ) + b ) ≥ 1 − ζ ( i ) a n d ζ ( i ) ≥ 0 f o r i = 1 , 2 , ⋯ m \begin{aligned} Hard \; margin \; &linear \; SVM \; classifier \; objective \\ \underset{w, b}{minimize} &\quad \frac{1}{2}w^Tw \\ subject \; to &\quad t^{(i)}(w^T \cdot x^{(i)} + b) \geq 1 \; for \; i=1,2, \cdots m \\ \\ Soft \; margin \; &linear \; SVM \; classifier \; objective \\ \underset{w, b}{minimize} &\quad \frac{1}{2}w^Tw + C \sum_{i=1}^{m}\zeta^{(i)}\\ subject \; to &\quad t^{(i)}(w^T \cdot x^{(i)} + b) \geq 1 - \zeta^{(i)} \; and \; \zeta^{(i)} \geq 0 \; for \; i=1,2, \cdots m \end{aligned} Hardmarginw,bminimizesubjecttoSoftmarginw,bminimizesubjecttolinearSVMclassifierobjective21wTwt(i)(wT⋅x(i)+b)≥1fori=1,2,⋯mlinearSVMclassifierobjective21wTw+Ci=1∑mζ(i)t(i)(wT⋅x(i)+b)≥1−ζ(i)andζ(i)≥0fori=1,2,⋯m
Quadratic Programming
The hard margin and soft margin problems are both convex quadratic optimization problems with linear constraints. Such problems are known as Quadratic Programming (QP) problems -
The Dual Problem
Given a constrained optimization problem, known as the primal problem, it is possible to express a different but closely related problem, called its dual problem
往往解决了dual问题,就相当于解决了原始问题,SVM就是这样 -
Kernelized SVM
L i n e a r : K ( a , b ) = a T ⋅ b P o l y n o m i a l : K ( a , b ) = ( γ a T ⋅ b + r ) d G a u s s i o n R B F : K ( a , b ) = e x p ( − γ ∣ ∣ a − b ∣ ∣ 2 ) S i g m o i d : K ( a , b ) = t a n h ( γ a T ⋅ b + r ) \begin{aligned} Linear \; &: \quad K(a, b) = a^T \cdot b \\ Polynomial \; &: \quad K(a, b) = (\gamma a^T \cdot b + r)^d \\ Gaussion \; RBF \; &: \quad K(a, b) = exp(-\gamma||a-b||^2) \\ Sigmoid \; &: \quad K(a, b) = tanh(\gamma a^T \cdot b + r) \end{aligned} LinearPolynomialGaussionRBFSigmoid:K(a,b)=aT⋅b:K(a,b)=(γaT⋅b+r)d:K(a,b)=exp(−γ∣∣a−b∣∣2):K(a,b)=tanh(γaT⋅b+r)
- Online SVMs
Linear SVM classifier cost function
J ( w , b ) = 1 2 w T ⋅ w + C ∑ i = 1 m m a x ( 0 , t ( i ) ( w T ⋅ x ( i ) + b ) ) J(w, b) = \frac{1}{2}w^T \cdot w + C\sum_{i=1}^{m}max(0,\; t^{(i)}(w^T \cdot x^{(i)} + b)) J(w,b)=21wT⋅w+Ci=1∑mmax(0,t(i)(wT⋅x(i)+b))
前半部分表示截距的斜率 —— leading to a larger margin
后半部分表示所有在street中点的误差 —— the margin violations as small and as few as possible
Hinge Loss —— max(0, 1 – t) is called the hinge loss function,当t大于1的时候,函数值恒等于0,对照于off or up street margin的点集