本文介绍了为什么按时间戳(字符串)排序的Azure Cosmos查询的成本要比按_ts(内置)的成本高得多?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


此查询的费用为265卢布/秒:SELECT top 1 * FROM c WHERE c.CollectPackageId = 'd0613cbb-492b-4464-b66b-3634b5571826'ORDER BY c.StartFetchDateTimeUtc DESC

This query cost 265 RU/s:SELECT top 1 * FROM c WHERE c.CollectPackageId = 'd0613cbb-492b-4464-b66b-3634b5571826'ORDER BY c.StartFetchDateTimeUtc DESC

StartFetchDateTimeUtc 是一个字符串属性,使用Cosmos API进行了序列化

StartFetchDateTimeUtc is a string property, serialized by using the Cosmos API

此查询的费用为5 RU/s :SELECT top 1 * FROM c WHERE c.CollectPackageId = 'd0613cbb-492b-4464-b66b-3634b5571826'ORDER BY c._ts DESC

This query cost 5 RU/s:SELECT top 1 * FROM c WHERE c.CollectPackageId = 'd0613cbb-492b-4464-b66b-3634b5571826'ORDER BY c._ts DESC

_ts 是一个内置字段,它是基于Unix的数字时间戳.

_ts is a built in field, a Unix-based numeric timestamp.

示例结果(仅包括此字段和_ts):"StartFetchDateTimeUtc": "2017-08-08T03:35:04.1654152Z","_ts": 1502163306

Example result (only including this field and _ts):"StartFetchDateTimeUtc": "2017-08-08T03:35:04.1654152Z","_ts": 1502163306

索引已到位,并遵循建议&教程如何配置可排序的字符串/时间戳.看起来像: { "path": "/StartFetchDateTimeUtc/?", "indexes": [ { "kind": "Range", "dataType": "String", "precision": -1 } ] }

The index is in place and follows the suggestions & tutorials how to configure a sortable string/timestamp. It looks like: { "path": "/StartFetchDateTimeUtc/?", "indexes": [ { "kind": "Range", "dataType": "String", "precision": -1 } ] }


根据此文章项目大小,项目属性计数,数据一致性,索引属性,文档索引,查询模式,脚本使用情况" 将影响RU.

According to this article, the "Item size,Item property count,Data consistency,Indexed properties,Document indexing,Query patterns,Script usage" variables will affect the RU.


So it is very strange that different property costs different RU.


I also create a test demo on my side(with your index and same document property). I have inserted 1000 records to the documentdb. The two different query costs same RU. I suggest you could start a new collection and test again.



Order by StartFetchDateTimeUtc


这篇关于为什么按时间戳(字符串)排序的Azure Cosmos查询的成本要比按_ts(内置)的成本高得多?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-03 11:38