本文介绍了如何在按下按钮3次后创建一个程序点亮LED 30秒?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
; ********* ************************************************** *****************************************
; ******************************************** ************************************************** ******
列表P = PIC16F84A,R = D;定义PIC类型和基数
;(H =十六进制,D =十进制)。十六进制数字必须为
包括P16F84A.INC4; P16F84A.INC是包含
的文件; PIC寄存器的定义
; ******寄存器使用******
count equ 0Ch;计数器寄存器
flag equ 0Dh; Counter Flag
msloop equ 0Eh;微秒延迟循环寄存器
tenloop equ 0Fh;十分之一秒延迟循环寄存器
secloop equ 10h;一秒延迟循环寄存器
; ************************ ************************************************** **************************
; ******************************************** ************************************************** ******
; PIC16C84向量位于存储器底部(0000h-0007h)
org 0000h; PIC16C84的复位向量位于0000h
org 0004h; PIC16C84的中断向量为0004h
org 0008h;第一个位置可用于程序
; ****************************************** ************************************************** ********
; ******************************************** ************************************************** ******
onems movlw 248;将数字248移动到工作寄存器
movwf msloop;将数字从工作寄存器移到msloop
loop1 nop;用于填充
decfsz msloop,1;将msloop减少1,如果为零则跳过下一条指令
goto loop1;继续循环直到msloop达到零
第十个movlw 100;将数字100移动到工作寄存器
movwf tenloop;移动数字从工作寄存器到tenloop
decfsz tenloop,1;将tenloop减1,如果为零则跳过下一条指令
goto loop2;继续调用微秒延迟直到tenloop达到零
sec movlw 10;将数字10移动到工作寄存器
movwf secloop; Moves从工作注册到tenloop的数字
loop3 call tenth;调用十分之一秒延迟子程序
decfsz secloop,1;将secloop减少1,如果为零则跳过下一条指令
outseq bsf PORTB,1;设置输出端口的第1位
call sec;调用一个第二个延迟子程序
bcf PORTB,1;清除输出端口的第1位
; ************************************ ************************************************** **************
; ******************************************* ************************************************** *******
; ****** INITIALISATION ******
;在使用I / O端口之前,数据方向寄存器必须设置
; up。状态寄存器中的位RP0选择正常寄存器
start bsf STATUS,RP0;选择特殊寄存器设置
movlw b'11111';将PORTA上的每个引脚设置为输入
movwf TRISA
movlw b'00000000';将PORTA上的每个引脚设置为输出
movwf TRISB
; ****** MAIN PROGRAM ******
clrf count;清除计数寄存器中的值
movlw b'00000000';将二进制值00000000复制到工作寄存器
movwf PORTB;将值从工作寄存器复制到输出端口
等待btfsc PORTA,0;测试输入端口的第0位跳过下一条指令,如果为零,则
up btfsc flag,0
goto wait
bsf flag,0;设置标志寄存器的第0位
incf count ,1;计数值增加1
; EXOR计数寄存器100
movlw 100;将数字100移动到工作寄存器
xorwf count,0; EXOR计数数字在工作寄存器中
btfss STATUS,Z;检查状态位Z以查看工作寄存器中的所有位是否都设置为
goto wait
bsf PORTB,0;如果是EXOR,则设置输出端口的位0成功
; EXOR计数寄存器200
movlw 200;将数字200移动到工作寄存器
xorwf count,0; EXOR计数工作寄存器中的数字
btfss STATUS,Z;检查状态位Z以查看工作寄存器中的所有位是否都设置为
Below is my code, I have lots of research but I don't get it! I have cobined things that look vaguely similar but they won't go together!
;**************************************************************************************************** ; DEFINITIONS ;**************************************************************************************************** list P=PIC16F84A, R=D ;Define PIC type and radix ;(H=Hex, D=Decimal). Hex numbers must ;be of the form 0xAA or 0AAh include "P16F84A.INC"4 ;P16F84A.INC is a file containing ;definitions of PIC registers ;****** REGISTER USAGE ****** ;For PIC16C84, user RAM starts at 0Ch. The following definitions ;(the names are arbitrary) will be found useful in many programs. count equ 0Ch ;Counter register flag equ 0Dh ;Counter Flag msloop equ 0Eh ;Microsecond delay loop register tenloop equ 0Fh ;Tenth of second delay loop register secloop equ 10h ;One Second delay loop register ;**************************************************************************************************** ; VECTORS ;**************************************************************************************************** ;The PIC16C84 vectors live at the bottom of memory (0000h-0007h) org 0000h ;Reset vector for PIC16C84 is at 0000h goto start ;Go to main program start org 0004h ;Interrupt vector for PIC16C84 is at 0004h goto inter ;Go to start of interrupt service routine org 0008h ;first location available to programs ;**************************************************************************************************** ; SUBROUTINES ;**************************************************************************************************** ;By convention, subroutines are placed after the vectors so that they ;are at the bottom of memory. This avoids memory bank-switching for ;small programs. ;Gives a 1 microsecond delay onems movlw 248 ;Moves number 248 into the working register movwf msloop ;Moves number from working register to msloop loop1 nop ;Used for padding decfsz msloop,1 ;Decrements msloop by 1, skips next instruction if zero goto loop1 ;Continues to loop until msloop reaches zero nop ;Used for padding return ;Gives a 0.1 Second Delay tenth movlw 100 ;Moves number 100 into the working register movwf tenloop ;Moves number from working register to tenloop loop2 call onems ;Calls the 1 microsecond delay subroutine decfsz tenloop,1 ;Decrements tenloop by 1, skips next instruction if zero goto loop2 ;Continues to call microsecond delay until tenloop reaches zero return ;Gives a 1 Second Delay sec movlw 10 ;Moves number 10 into the working register movwf secloop ;Moves number from working register to tenloop loop3 call tenth ;Calls the tenth of a second delay subroutine decfsz secloop,1 ;Decrements secloop by 1, skips next instruction if zero goto loop3 ;Continues to call 0.1 second delay until secloop reaches zero return ;Preset Flashing Output Sequence outseq bsf PORTB,1 ;Sets bit 1 of output port call sec ;Calls the one second delay subroutine bcf PORTB,1 ;Clears bit 1 of output port call sec ;Calls the one second delay subroutine goto outseq ;Continues to flash output bit 1 until interrupted return ;**************************************************************************************************** ; MAIN PROGRAM ;**************************************************************************************************** ;****** INITIALISATION ****** ;Before using the I/O ports, the data direction registers must be set ;up. Bit RP0 in the status register selects either the normal register ;set when 0, or the special register set when 1. The data direction ;registers TRISA and TRISB live in the special register set. A '1' in ;these registers sets the corresponding port line to an Input, and a ;'0' makes the corresponding line an output. start bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Select special register set movlw b'11111' ;Set every pin on PORTA to be an Input movwf TRISA movlw b'00000000' ;Set every pin on PORTA to be an Ouput movwf TRISB bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Select normal register set ;****** MAIN PROGRAM ****** ;Reset Count and Flag Registers and Clear Outputs clrf count ;Clears value in count register movlw b'00000000' ;Copies binary value 00000000 into working register movwf PORTB ;Copies value from working register to Output Port clrf flag ;Clear flag register ;Counting with a flag wait btfsc PORTA,0 ;Tests bit 0 of Input Port skips next instruction if zero goto up ;If bit 0 on then program goes to label up bcf flag,0 ;Clears bit 0 of the flag register goto wait up btfsc flag,0 goto wait bsf flag,0 ;Sets bit 0 of the flag register incf count,1 ;Increments value in count by 1 ;EXOR count register with 100 movlw 100 ;Moves number 100 into working register xorwf count,0 ;EXORs count with the number in the working register btfss STATUS,Z ;Checks Status Bit Z to see if all bits in working register are set goto wait bsf PORTB,0 ;Sets bit 0 of Output Port if EXOR is successful ;EXOR count register with 200 movlw 200 ;Moves number 200 into working register xorwf count,0 ;EXORs count with the number in the working register btfss STATUS,Z ;Checks Status Bit Z to see if all bits in working register are set goto wait call outseq ;Calls ouput sequence
What can you do to help me? Thanks
这篇关于如何在按下按钮3次后创建一个程序点亮LED 30秒?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!