This query does not run at the beginning. Could someone please help look at what is wrong?
This query does not run at the beginning. Could someone please help look at what is wrong?
What I have tried:
<pre> strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM PharmSales WHERE HospitalNo='" & Me.txtRegNo & "' And TDate = #" & Format(Me.txtTDate, "M\/dd\/yyyy") & "# AND SalesItem1 = '" & Me.txtSalesItem1 & "' And PharmSalesID= (SELECT MAX(PharmSalesID) FROM PharmSales)"
Set pr = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1)
With pr
If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then 'Ensure that the recordset contains records
If .Updatable Then 'To ensure record is not locked by another user
.Edit 'Must start an update with the edit statement
If IsNull(![TotalPaid]) = True And Me.txtGrand_TotalPay.Value >= Me.txtSalesAmt1.Value Then
![DispQty1] = Nz(![DispQty1] + Me.txtSalesQty1.Value, 0)
ElseIf IsNull(![TotalPaid]) = False And (Me.txtGrand_TotalPay.Value - Me.txtSalesAmt1.Value) >= (txtGrand_TotalFee - Me.txtGrand_TotalPay.Value + Me.txtSalesAmt1.Value) Then
![DispQty1] = Nz(![DispQty1] + Me.txtSalesQty1.Value, 0)
Else: MsgBox ("Insufficient balance!")
End If
End If
End If
Set pr = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End With
End Sub