


I wanna view the result of the "Detection" function. In the "Detection" function there is "messeges" variable. From the function, i want that all the sentences in messeges variable can be preview in my GUI esspecially in UIPANEL.

操作方法.我已经在matlab中使用tag = uipanel1进行了面板设计.

How to do it. I have made a Panel design in matlab with tag=uipanel1.

[messeges]=Detection(handles.citra1); %it's to call the Detection     


here is my UIPANEL CODE..

       hp1=uipanel('Position', [100 100 700 500],...
       'Title','UI Panel 1');
        set(hp1, [messeges]);


but it cannot display the sentences from the messeges variable into the panel1 that i had made before..


        ??? Error using ==> set
        There is no 'jumlah pasang pixel yang pada objek 13         
        adalah 1000' property in the 'uipanel' class.

       Error in ==> deteksi2citra>pushbutton3_Callback at 124
       set(hp1, [messeges]);

       Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96

        Error in ==> deteksi2citra at 42
          gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

      Error in ==>          

     ??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback


I have find the rellated topic but i cannot find the solution.




There are three major problems with your code.

  1. 您始终必须将对象属性设置为 Matlab 中的 something . /p>

  1. You always have to set a property of an object to something in Matlab.


因此,您也许可以编写此set(hp1, 'String', messages);,但不能编写set(hp1, [messages]);

Thus you might be able to write this set(hp1, 'String', messages); but never set(hp1, [messages]);

uipanel 只是一个容器对象,这意味着它可能包含其他GUI对象.您可以放置​​textedit(请参见 uicontrol )在 uipanel 中包含您的字符串.但是 uipanel 本身没有'String'属性.

uipanel is just a container object, which means that it could contain other GUI objects. You could put a text or edit (See uicontrol) containing your string in the uipanel. But the uipanel itself does not have a 'String' property.

position向量 uipanel 默认为normalized.因此,所有位置值必须在01之间.有关更多信息,请参见此处. /p>

The position vector of uipanel is normalized by default. So all the position values must be between 0 and 1. See position vector here for more info.

多行 text放入uipanel的示例:

(请注意,此代码是独立代码或自洽代码(不同于 GUIDE ),因此您只需复制并粘贴此代码,然后在matlab命令窗口中运行它即可.)

Example of putting multi-line text in uipanel:

(Note that this code is a standalone or self consistent code (unlike GUIDE), thus you can just copy and paste this code and run it in matlab command window.)

str = sprintf('Your \n Multiline \n String ...');

hp1 = uipanel('Title','UI Panel 1',...
    'Position', [.25 .1 .67 .67]);

    'Parent', hp1,...
    'Units', 'Normalized', 'Position', [0 0 1 1],...
    'String', str);


10-30 12:43