in richtextbox =bhram中有单词= good best& bhram = ckashdkjashd& bhram = kdjsakljd
现在得到bhram = to& ???
i wanna get all word in between string to string
for example :
in richtextbox = "there is word in bhram=good best& bhram=ckashdkjashd & bhram=kdjsakljd "
now get every word between bhram= to & ???
i use this code :
Public Function GetBetween(ByVal haystack As String, ByVal needle As String, ByVal needle_two As String) As String
Dim istart As Integer = InStr(haystack, needle)
If istart > 0 Then
Dim istop As Integer = InStr(istart, haystack, needle_two)
If istop > 0 Then
Dim value As String = haystack.Substring(istart + Len(needle) - 1, istop - istart - Len(needle))
Return value
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
dim word as string = richtextbox1.text
Dim sss As String = GetBetween(word , "bhram=", "&")
textbox1.text = sss
i想要介于bhram =到&之间
i wanna get between "bhram=" to "&"
like this in picture
Dim s As String = "there is word in bhram=good best& bhram=ckashdkjashd & bhram=kdjsakljd "
Dim searchStart As String = "bhram="
Dim searchEnd As String = "&"
Dim start As Integer = s.IndexOf(searchStart)
Dim [end] As Integer = s.IndexOf(searchEnd, start)
If start > -0 AndAlso [end] >= 0 Then
start += searchStart.Length
Dim extract As String = s.Substring(start, [end] - start)
End If
This extracts the string "good best".
The other way to do this uses a regex, and normally I would recommend it, but with variable strings it''s a PITA because you have to make sure that the strings you search for do not contain regex-aware characters, and escape them.
Public Function GetBetween(ByVal haystack As String, ByVal needle As String, ByVal needle_two As String) As String
Dim istart As Integer = InStr(haystack, needle)
If istart > 0 Then
Dim istop As Integer = InStr(istart, haystack, needle_two)
If istop > 0 Then
Dim value As String = haystack.Substring(istart + Len(needle) - 1, istop - istart - Len(needle))
Return value
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
i wanna get all in listbox not one !! how do it , plz ?