

我是iOS应用程序开发的新手,想知道如何在按钮中使用 UIEdgeInsets 属性,所以请指导我。

I am new to iOS application development and wanted to know how to use UIEdgeInsets property in button so please guide me.



First off, your question isn't very clear as to what you're attempting to achieve, so...ask a general question, get a general answer.

UIButton有三种类型为UIEdgeInsets的属性 - contentEdgeInsets titleEdgeInsets ,和 imageEdgeInsets 。您可以使用这些属性为所有按钮内容指定特定插入内容,包括标题和图像,或单独指定一个或另一个。

UIButton has three properties of type UIEdgeInsets – contentEdgeInsets, titleEdgeInsets, and imageEdgeInsets. You can use these properties to assign specific insets for all button content, including both the title and the image, or one or the other individually.

您可以使用以下方法创建UIEdgeInsets值 UIEdgeInsetsMake()功能。 UIEdgeInsets分别为顶部,左侧,底部和右侧(分别)的插入值封装了四个不同的CGFloat值。正插入值会缩小内容区域,而负插入值会有效地增加它。

You create UIEdgeInsets values using the UIEdgeInsetsMake() function. UIEdgeInsets encapsulates four different CGFloat values for the inset values of the top, left, bottom, and right (respectively) individually. Positive inset values shrink the content area, while negative inset values will effectively increase it.

如果您有关于如何在UIButton中使用UIEdgeInsets的更具体的问题,我建议您重新思考如何提出并再试一次。 :)

If you have a more specific question about how to use UIEdgeInsets with UIButton, I suggest you rethink how to ask it and try again. :)


Edit (to address question in comment):Sounds like you would want to do the following, then:

UIEdgeInsets titleInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 7.0, 0.0, 0.0);
button.titleEdgeInsets = titleInsets;


10-29 19:38