本文介绍了发送没有附件的电子邮件时弹出消息的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 如果我们使用附件,封闭,pfa等字样,我已经搜索了以下代码,以便在没有附件的情况下发送电子邮件提醒。 br /> 我在ThisOutlookSession of outlook中编写了这段代码。 私人 Sub Application_ItemSend( ByVal Item As 对象,取消作为 布尔) Dim intIn As Long intIn = 0 Dim wrds 作为 字符串 strBody = LCase(Item.Subject)& LCase(Item.Body) 设置 Rgx = CreateObject( vbscript.regexp) Rgx.Pattern = wrds Rgx。全局 = True Rgx.IgnoreCase = True 设置 allMatches = Rgx.Execute(strBody) intLength = InStr( 1 ,strBody, from:) 如果 intLength = 0 然后 intLength = Len(strBody) 如果 intIn = 0 然后 intIn = InStr( 1 ,Left(strBody,intLength), pfa ) 如果 intIn = 0 然后 intIn = InStr( 1 ,左(strBody,intLength), PFA) 如果 intIn = 0 然后 intIn = InStr( 1 ,左(strBody,intLength), attach) 如果 intIn = 0 然后 intIn = InStr( 1 ,左(strBody) ,intLength), 随附) 如果 intIn = 0 那么 intIn = InStr( 1 ,Left(strBody,intLength), 封闭) 如果 intIn = 0 那么 intIn = InStr( 1 ,左(strBody,intLength), attachment) 如果 intIn = 0 那么 intIn = InStr( 1 ,左(strBody,intLength), attach) intAttachCount = Item.Attachments.Count If intIn> 0 和 intAttachCount< = intStandardAttachCount 然后 m = MsgBox( 看起来您忘了附加文件...... _ & vbNewLine& vbNewLine& _ 是否仍要发送此消息?,_ vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbExclamation + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, 附件丢失?) 如果 m = vbNo 那么 取消= True GoTo ExitSub 结束 如果 结束 如果 ExitSub: 设置项目= 无 strBody = 退出 Sub 结束 Sub 代码工作正常。实际上它只在测试代码时有效。一段时间后它停止工作。 当我在其他电脑上尝试相同的代码时,它失败了。任何帮助都赞赏。 问候, Archie 解决方案 你的代码看起来不错,但你需要知道一些事情......用几句话很难回答,所以我会建议你阅读以下文章: 了解Outlook中的事件 [ ^ ] 使用Outlook事件 [ ^ ] 在Auto中使用事件mation [ ^ ] - 最重要的! 使用Outlook Visual Basic for Applications响应Outlook事件 [ ^ ] 了解Outlook中的VBA [ ^ ] 在Outlook 2010中开始使用VBA [ ^ ] Hi,I have searched the below code for giving reminder if email is sent without attachement if we use words like attached, enclosed, pfa, etc.I have written this code in ThisOutlookSession of outlook.Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)Dim intIn As LongintIn = 0 Dim wrds As StringstrBody = LCase(Item.Subject) & LCase(Item.Body)Set Rgx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") Rgx.Pattern = wrds Rgx.Global = True Rgx.IgnoreCase = True Set allMatches = Rgx.Execute(strBody)intLength = InStr(1, strBody, "from:")If intLength = 0 Then intLength = Len(strBody)If intIn = 0 Then intIn = InStr(1, Left(strBody, intLength), "pfa")If intIn = 0 Then intIn = InStr(1, Left(strBody, intLength), "PFA")If intIn = 0 Then intIn = InStr(1, Left(strBody, intLength), "attached")If intIn = 0 Then intIn = InStr(1, Left(strBody, intLength), "enclosed")If intIn = 0 Then intIn = InStr(1, Left(strBody, intLength), "enclosing")If intIn = 0 Then intIn = InStr(1, Left(strBody, intLength), "attachment")If intIn = 0 Then intIn = InStr(1, Left(strBody, intLength), "attach")intAttachCount = Item.Attachments.CountIf intIn > 0 And intAttachCount <= intStandardAttachCount Thenm = MsgBox("It looks like you forgot to attach a file... " _& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _"Do you still want to send this message? ", _vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbExclamation + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Attachment Missing?")If m = vbNo ThenCancel = TrueGoTo ExitSubEnd IfEnd IfExitSub:Set Item = NothingstrBody = ""Exit SubEnd SubThe code was working fine.Infact it works only for sometime while testing the code. After sometime it stops working. When i try this same code on other pc it fails.Any help appreciated.Regards,Archie 解决方案 Your code looks good, but you need to know something... It is hard to answer in few words, so i would suggest you to read below articles:Understanding Events in Outlook[^]Working with Outlook events[^]Using events with Automation[^] - the most important!Using Outlook Visual Basic for Applications to respond to Outlook events[^]Understanding VBA in Outlook[^]Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010[^] 这篇关于发送没有附件的电子邮件时弹出消息的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-29 17:50