


I need to enable the reports with 3 types of the page headers: "first page header", "middle pages header" and "last page header". All of these headers can have different number of report elements and on different positions. Same goes for the footers.

注意::报告必须在其Detail区域中支持报告元素,例如 jr:table jr:list .这些元素必须通过xml数据源与数据一起提供.

NOTE: The report must support the report elements like jr:table or jr:list in its Detail band. These element must be supplied with the data via xml datasources.


I was able to simulate first page header by using Title band, but I'm having problems enabling "middle pages header" and "last page header". This is what I'm trying to do:

<band height="100" splitType="Stretch">
        <reportElement x="0" y="0" height="100" width="555" uuid="f788c74b-6853-4bc7-8ed7-5e3d538287c9" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true">
                <![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER} == $V{PAGE_COUNT})]]>
            <reportElement x="1" y="1" width="100" height="20" uuid="9777208b-5323-4045-aa49-a849d5c00c89"/>
            <text><![CDATA[LAST PAGE HEADER TEXT 1]]></text>
            <reportElement x="50" y="10" width="200" height="50" uuid="15313676-09e6-4d17-ac75-2df99f61bfee"/>
            <text><![CDATA[LAST PAGE HEADER TEXT 2]]></text>
        <reportElement x="0" y="0" height="100" width="555" uuid="65577abd-8717-477a-f27e-c70e9eba46af" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true">
                <![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER} != 1) && new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER} != $V{PAGE_COUNT})]]>
            <reportElement x="70" y="0" width="300" height="100" uuid="0a866eb3-85cf-4376-d6a4-21b534d36df0"/>
            <text><![CDATA[MIDDLE PAGE HEADER TEXT 1]]></text>


I'm using frame blocks along with printWhenExpression. Depending on the printWhenExpression condition, only one of two frame blocks should be printed (with all of its content). First frame block should render "last page header", and second one should render "middle pages header".


The problem lies within the first frame ("last page header") printWhenExpression:

    <![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER} == $V{PAGE_COUNT})]]>


In this case, $V{PAGE_NUMBER} always equals $V{PAGE_COUNT} because of the evaluation time.


Is there any way to check if the current page is the last page? Also, is there any other way to enable "middle pages" and "last page" headers?

注意:通过使用framesLast Page Footer带,我能够为页脚实现类似的逻辑!

NOTE: I was able to implement similar logic for the footers by using the frames and Last Page Footer band!



pageFooterlastPageFooter中,reportElement可以具有负Y 坐标(如果IDE不允许这样做,则需要手动编辑jrxml). y =-700",可让您将信息放入pageHeader和最后一个pageHeader ...

In pageFooter and lastPageFooter the reportElement can have negative Y coordinates (if IDE does not allow this then you need to edit manually the jrxml) es. y="-700", which allows you to put information in pageHeader and last pageHeader...



<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue()==1)]]></printWhenExpression>

  • pageHeader 使用title带或将帧放在pageFooter中并使用负y坐标.
  • pageFooter ,使用pageFooter乐队
    • pageHeader use title band or put frame in pageFooter and use negative y coordinate.
    • pageFooter, use pageFooter band

    • 中间页


      <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue()>1)]]></printWhenExpression>

      • pageHeader 将框架放在pageFooter中,并使用负y坐标.
      • pageFooter ,使用pageFooter乐队.
        • pageHeader put frame in pageFooter and use negative y coordinate.
        • pageFooter, use pageFooter band.

        • 最后一页

          • pageHeader ,将框架放在lastPageFooter中,并使用负y坐标.
          • pageFooter ,使用lastPageFooter乐队
          • pageHeader, put frame in lastPageFooter and use negative y coordinate.
          • pageFooter, use lastPageFooter band


          NOTE: To generate space for this virtual pageHeader include an empty pageHeader with desired band height



10-29 15:08