本文介绍了WPF SplitButton?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚度过了一个非常令人沮丧的下午拖网谷歌寻找一个商业级WPF SplitButton 控件,将在工具栏。 A SplitButton 是一个在那里你可以在按钮的主要部分单击采取默认操作,或点击右边一个小三角来获得其他操作的下拉菜单中选择)。

I've just spent a very frustrating afternoon trawling Google looking for a commercial-grade WPF SplitButton control that will work in a ToolBar. A SplitButton is one where you can click on the main part of the Button to take a default action, or click on a little triangle on the right to get a drop-down menu of alternate actions).

我发现在网络上多个(包括$ C $的CProject之一,并包括两个在codePLEX)。他们没有在工具栏正常工作 - 他们要么不会出现在所有的,或者他们没有工具栏按钮的样式。我甚至看了一些商业产品,如ActiPro的弹出按钮(在他们SharedLibrary DLL)。同样的问题。

I found several on the web (including the one on CodeProject, and including the two on CodePlex). None of them work properly in a ToolBar--they either don't appear at all, or they don't have toolbar button styling. I even looked at some commercial offerings, like ActiPro's pop-up button (in their SharedLibrary DLL). Same problems.

是的,我已经看到了有关它的一切是多么容易创建一个职位。这很容易地创建一个坏的,但不是那么容易的创建一个看起来和作品,如 SplitButton S IN Outlook或Visual Studio中,在下拉菜单中没有按如果你松开鼠标按钮t消失。

And yes, I've seen all the posts about how easy it is to create one. It's very easy to create a bad one, but not so easy to create one that looks and works like the SplitButtons in Outlook or Visual Studio, where the drop-down menu doesn't disappear if you release the mouse button.

所以,这里是我的问题吗?我不是在寻找的是$ 1,500年度订阅某人的控制库的一部分控制,但如果有一个合理的价位 SplitButton ,我确实希望找到它。

So, here's my question: Are there any commercial-grade SplitButtons out there, either open-source or commercial, that work in toolbars? I'm not looking for a control that is part of a $1,500 annual subscription to somebody's controls library, but if there is a reasonably-priced SplitButton, I'd sure like to find it.




The only true "commercial-grade" split button that I know of is the one by Syncfusion, which is included as part of their ribbon controls (although it works outside of the ribbon as well).


That being said, I remember this implementation as being fairly usable and complete, if you're looking for something free.

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10-29 14:23