


The documentation here is not very clear:

http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:inline_editing&s [] = editurl#saverow



Do I have to manually make a saveRow call after the user finishes editing a table cell/row, or will jqGrid automatically trigger saveRow when the row (cell?) loses focus?


I'm giving jqGrid a editurl value in the initial setup, but I don't see any ajax requests going out when I finish editing a row.



  1. 您将 editRow 与参数.如果方法 saveRow 将被调用,用户按和方法 restoreRow <如果用户按,将调用/a>.如果您不需要致电 saveRow 明确地.在 onSelectRow 内部,通常会调用 restoreRow 参见示例.
  2. 您可以调用 saveRow 代替 .trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id = wiki:events#events"rel =" noreferrer> onSelectRow 回调.另外(或替代),您可以为用户提供保存当前编辑行的界面.可以是某种保存"按钮.
  1. You use editRow with the parameter keys: true. In the case the method saveRow will be called if the user press and the method restoreRow will be called if the user press . In the case you don't need to call saveRow explicitly. Inside of onSelectRow one calls typically restoreRow see here an example.
  2. You can call saveRow instead of restoreRow in the onSelectRow callback. Additionally (or alternatively) you can gives the user an interface to save current editing row. It can be some kind of "Save" button.


10-29 10:48