

在此处查看 http://www.hanselman.com/blog/InSearchOfThePerfectMonospacedProgrammersFontInconsolata.aspx-为了更好的描述-突出显示语句块-例如,在链接中的图片中,语句块"用垂直线分组.我了解这是CodeRush的功能-R#是否具有相似的功能,或具有相同功能的插件?

See here http://www.hanselman.com/blog/InSearchOfThePerfectMonospacedProgrammersFontInconsolata.aspx - for want of a better description - the statement block highlighting - eg in the pics on the link the "statement blocks" are grouped with a vertical line. I understand this is a feature of CodeRush - does R# have either anything similar, or a plugin to do the same?


我使用当前可用的最新版本的ReSharper(ReSharper 4.5),但是不幸的是,我不认为在匹配之间绘制垂直线没有任何功能.括号,如您参考的屏幕截图中所示.

I use the latest version of ReSharper that is currently available — ReSharper 4.5 — but unfortunately I don't believe there is any feature for drawing a vertical line between matching braces, as in the screen-shots you referenced.


The feature I find useful, which Ben mentioned, is the matching brace highlighting, however this only takes effect when your cursor is adjacent to an opening or closing brace.
