


I'm really impressed with ReactiveSearch so far but I can't see any examples of using it with sub categories.

此示例非常适合没有子类别的过滤器和类别: https://opensource.appbase.io/reactivesearch/demos/producthunt/

This example looks great for filters and categories where there are no sub categories:https://opensource.appbase.io/reactivesearch/demos/producthunt/


Is there a way to drill down to sub categories when a category is clicked?




we don't support this out of the box currently. A previous version used to have a component for doing this, we called it NestedList / NestedMultiList, but it was limiting in some ways.

今天首选的方法是使用 ReactiveComponent 并带来支持嵌套列表行为的设计组件.ReactiveComponent允许您通过解耦关联的查询来绑定任何UI组件.您可以配置任何查询(子类别行为将是一个或多个带有must子句的术语查询),并使它的行为与其他任何ReactiveSearch组件一样.

The preferred way to do this today is using ReactiveComponent and bringing your design component which supports nested list behavior. ReactiveComponent allows you to bind any UI component by decoupling the associated query to trigger. You can configure any query (it would be one or more term(s) queries with a must clause for the sub-category behavior) and have this behave just like any other ReactiveSearch component.


10-28 12:59