


I have two tables, picture and pictureratings in my database.

public partial class picture
    public int idpicture { get; set; }
    public int iduser { get; set; }
    public string picTitle { get; set; }
    public string picFilename { get; set; }
    public System.DateTime pictime { get; set; }
    public int nuditylevel { get; set; }
    public int fakeslevel { get; set; }

    // This property will hold the total accumulated/summed 
    // up rating of a picture
    public int totalrating { get; set; }    

public partial class pictureratings 
    public int idrating { get; set; }
    public int idpictures { get; set; }
    public int iduser { get; set; }
    public System.DateTime iddatetime { get; set; }
    public int iduserrateddby { get; set; }
    public int rating { get; set; } 


For every rating a new pictureratings row will be created. I want to group pictureratings table by the picture id and then count the likes. I want to show those likes in picture table in totalrating property.


So as per my now I am able to write the following code

 var combo = from p in db.picturedetails
                    join l in db.picturelikes on p.idpictures equals l.idpictures into pl
                    select new LikesandPictureDetails
                             IdUserPic = p.iduser,
                           IdPicturess =p.idpictures,
                           Likes = p.likes,
                           NudityLevel = p.nuditylevel,
                           PicTitle = p.picTitle,
                           PicTime = p.pictime,
                           totalrating = pl.Average(c => c.likenumber) // This line is causing error

我正在使用Web API返回查询总数.我正在显示picture属性,例如iduserpicTitlepicFilenamepictimenuditylevelfakeslevel.

I am using web api to return query total. I am showing picture properties like iduser, picTitle, picFilename, pictime, nuditylevel and fakeslevel.

目前,一切正常,但是当我添加totalrating = pl.Average(c => c.likenumber)时,我得到一个异常提示

As per now every thing runs smooth, but when I add totalrating = pl.Average(c => c.likenumber) , I get an exception saying




Maybe the problem is that pl has no records, try


totalrating = pl.Average(c => c.likenumber) // This line is causing error


totalrating = pl.DefaulIfEmpty(0).Average(c => c.likenumber) 


10-28 08:15