


Here is my setup : I have an android library that creates an aar when exported and I have an android app that uses the library as a module (it's the only way to import a local aar file).

要将aar文件作为模块导入到我的android应用程序中,请单击File-> New Module...-> Import .JAR or .AAR Package,然后选择导出的aar文件.之后,我只需要在gradle文件中添加compile project行即可使用我的库.

To import the aar file as a module in my android app, I click on File -> New Module... -> Import .JAR or .AAR Package and I choose my exported aar file. After that I only need to add a compile project line in my gradle file to be able to use my library.


I update very often my library because I am currently developing it and I want to test it frequently. The problem is that I don't know how to update the module in my android app project...

我现在正在做的是在我的android库项目中发出gradlew assembleRelease来创建新的aar文件,然后在我的android app项目中删除Module Settings(或Project Structure)窗口中的模块,我删除了项目根目录下的module文件夹,然后再次导入它.每次我要测试我的磁带库时,整个操作大约需要3分钟,我对此感到厌倦.您知道是否有更新从aar文件创建的android模块的更快方法吗?

What I am doing now is that I issue a gradlew assembleRelease in my android library project to create the new aar file, then in my android app project I delete the module in the Module Settings (or Project Structure) window, I delete the module folder at the root of my project and then I import it again. This whole operation takes around 3 minutes each time I want to test my library and I am tired of this. Do you know if there is a faster way of updating an android module created from an aar file?



I thought that importing a aar file as a module was the only solution to include a local aar file, but it seems that it can be done easily by simulating a repository with a flat directory.


In your project gradle file in the allprojects.repositories tag, add the following :

flatDir {
    dirs 'libs'


In your app module, make sure you have a libs folder with the aar file in it. Then add the compile line in the dependencies tag of your app module gradle file.

dependencies {
    compile 'package:name:version@aar'


Now, when you update the aar file in your libs directory, your app will use the updated version of your library.


  • compile 'package:name:version@aar'中,name是物理文件名图书馆.例如lib-debuglib-release
  • versionpackage可以在AndroidManifest.xml内部找到.aar文件. (如何打开.aar文件?)
  • In compile 'package:name:version@aar', name is physical file nameof the library. For example lib-debug or lib-release etc.
  • version and package can be found in AndroidManifest.xml inside.aar file. (How to open .aar file?)


10-28 04:58