The following code is working fine, however it is not rounding the stored values to the nearest pence, for example 8.025 is coming up instead of 8.01 can anyone suggest a fix?
Public Function Fs_Update_AccInvoices_Nexum() As Boolean
Dim adoRsInvoiceDCID As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim adoRsNexumInvoices As New ADODB.Recordset
On Error Resume Next
adoRsInvoiceDCID.Open "SELECT * FROM [tInvoiceDCID] where Issued=0" _
, CurrentProject.Connection, 2, 2
While Not adoRsInvoiceDCID.EOF
adoRsNexumInvoices.Open "SELECT * FROM [tPrintInvoiceNumbersNexum] " _
& " WHERE InvoiceID=" & adoRsInvoiceDCID("InvoiceID") _
, CurrentProject.Connection, 2, 2
If Not adoRsNexumInvoices.EOF Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings off
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update [Acc Invoices t Nexum] " _
& " SET [Total Due] = Round((Fees/0.8)+(VAT/0.8)+OutLays,2)" _
& " Fees = Round(Fees/0.8,2), VAT = Round(Vat/0.8,2)" _
& " WHERE Invoice=" & adoRsNexumInvoices("PrintingasINVOICE")
End If
End Function
Quick note:I've noticed some inaccuracies in vba's rounding function which the format function doesn't fix. In my particular case, I was trying to round the number 3687.23486
回合(3687.23486)= 3687.23
round(3687.23486) = 3687.23
format(3687.23486,#.00")= 3687.23
format(3687.23486, "#.00") = 3687.23
under the traditional round to nearest rules, this should result in 3687.24I've seen several custom functions posted to various forums to address rounding problems, but none worked for me, so I wrote my own.
Function trueRound(ByVal varNumber As Variant, ByVal intDecimals As Integer) As Double
If IsNull(varNumber) Then
trueRound = 0
Exit Function
End If
Dim decimals As Integer, testNumber As Double
decimals = 0
If InStr(varNumber, ".") > 0 Then decimals = Int(Len(varNumber)) - Int(Len(Fix(varNumber)) + 1)
If decimals = 0 Or intDecimals > decimals Then
trueRound = varNumber
Exit Function
End If
Do Until Len(varNumber) - Len(Fix(varNumber)) - 1 <= intDecimals
testNumber = varNumber * 10 ^ (decimals - 1)
varNumber = Round(testNumber, 0) / 10 ^ (decimals - 1)
decimals = decimals - 1
trueRound = varNumber
End Function
I hashed it out pretty quick, so there's no error handling, and a null value passed to the function results in 0, which may not be ideal for all situations. I use this regularly in some pretty large queries, hope it can help someone else.