

我遇到了一些困难与WCF RIA服务类似于this螺纹。

I'm experiencing some difficulties with a WCF RIA Services similar to the problem specified in this thread.


The domainservice method I'm creating (a Query method) should take a complex object parameter.example domainservice method:

public ComplexObjectResult GetComplexObject(ComplexObjectParameter test)
        //do stuff


public class ComplexObjectParameter 

    public decimal ID { get; set; }

    ... other fields

我得到这个编译错误:域操作项GetComplexObject中的错误70参数测试必须是$ P $之一pdefined序列化类型


After some searching on the web I found this msdn thread. It states that this is a limitation of RIA services and the thread specifies no decent workarounds.


Now there seem to be some dirty workarounds:

  • 改变复杂的参数输入字符串和序列化/反序列化parameterobject我们自己,我觉得非常哈克的解决方案。

  • Change the complex parameter to type string and Serialize/Deserialize the parameterobject ourself which I find a very hacky solution.


Use [Invoke] tag on the domain service method and loose all RIA tracking functionality, for which I am using RIA in the first place.


Are there alternatives for the mentioned solutions that have less disadvantages? Has someone found a more elegant workaround for this problem?



肮脏的解决方法三,是使用[调用]属性和方法添加到域服务来公开的复杂类型,它通知WCF RIA工具来在客户端创建实体:

Dirty workaround three, is to use the [Invoke] attribute and add a method to the domain service to expose the "complex type", which informs the WCF RIA tooling to create the entity on the client-side:

public ComplexObjectParameter ExposeComplexObjectParameter()
    throw new NotSupportedException();


I put NotSupportedException in my domain service methods to prevent silent failures if the method is ever called remotely.


I'm not sure about how this solution affects the issue of losing "all RIA tracking functionality". It does not answer how to create a composable query using a complex type as a parameter.


It's dirty, but abstracts the problem closest to the source of problem. The calling and receiving code is cleaner. This maintains the "elegance" at the higher level while pushing the dirty down.


10-28 04:36