我在网上找到了一些 powershell 命令,可以将 xlsx 文件转换为 xml 文件.这很好用,但是我得到的 xml 会被稍微操纵,然后我需要将它转换回标准的 xlsx 文件.
I found some powershell command online to convert an xlsx file to an xml file. This works great, but the xml I am getting will be manipulated slightly, and after that I need to convert it back into a standard xlsx file.
使用从以下命令生成的 xml,如何将其转换回 xlsx 文件?
With an xml generated from the below commands, how could I convert it back to an xlsx file?
$xlXMLSpreadsheet = 46
$Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
$WorkBook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("c:\Test.xlsx")
$WorkBook.SaveAs("c:\Test.xml", $xlXMLSpreadsheet)
只需打开 xml 文件并保存即可.
Just open the xml file and save it.
xlsx 文件的格式代码为 51,根据 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba/excel-vba/articles/xlfileformat-enumeration-excel
The Format code for an xlsx file is 51, as per https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba/excel-vba/articles/xlfileformat-enumeration-excel
$xlsSpreadsheet = 51
$Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
$WorkBook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("c:\Test.xml")
$WorkBook.SaveAs("c:\Test.xlsx", $xlsSpreadsheet)