









I'm trying to build an application that search for twitter hashtags and then displays them on a webpage. I'm using NodeJS for this. I've followed a tutorial and got it to work.

However, as I'm trying to learn, I've got some questions:

If I've understand correctly I need to use Express to serve the client side of my project (display the results on a webpage). Is this the right way to use NodeJS with an API or are there other ways?

In my application, I'm using hogan-express as template engine, do I need to use a template engine or can I use just normal html?

Thank you for your answers

What I have tried:

This is my project

  "name": "twitter-express",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "server.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.16.3",
    "hogan-express": "^0.5.2",
    "twit": "^2.2.9"



var express = require('express');
// create instance of var express
var server = express();

server.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3003);
server.engine('html', require('hogan-express'));
server.set('view engine', 'html');

server.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.render('index', {title: 'Twitter', data: theTweets});

server.listen(server.get('port'), function() {
    console.log('Listening on port:' + server.get('port'));

var Twit = require('twit');
var theTweets = [];

var T = new Twit({
    consumer_key: 'dhooGTRTJS9kYnOWT19S6Pofj',
    consumer_secret: 'e7uK3EltqdS0JMuIK7OKdPuNrwpBajuLYq37okJ7plIQeRzPgQ',
    access_token: '492232617-HMmUUkWTfqgGBo2LKF4cIn1rRO7ujyNAUevgGrZ3',
    access_token_secret: 'RQjrqMMwNUkTWfK22uKx7tT5Ckk9ddQW3WNY1eo7FXnzy'

const params = {
    q: '#nodejs',
    count: 10,
    result_type: 'recent',
    lang: 'en'

T.get('search/tweets', params, getData);

function getData(err, data, response) {
    var tweets = data.statuses;
    for (var i = 0; i < tweets.length; i++) {




If I've understand correctly I need to use Express to serve the client side of my project (display the results on a webpage). Is this the right way to use NodeJS with an API or are there other ways?

哦,不,不,不,你错了。 Express是Node.js的服务器包装器,为您提供服务器端编程服务和功能。在您自己的代码中,请检查,

Oh, no no no, you are all wrong. Express is a server wrapper for Node.js, and provides you with the server-side programming services and functionality. In your own code, please check,

// Server is the Express and it is merely returning the HTML; not rendering it.
server.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.render('index', {title: 'Twitter', data: theTweets});

代码中的客户端库可能是 [这将负责生成动态HTML内容并提供它。尽管如此,我们还没有达到客户端。客户端领域的统治者是JavaScript。我没有看到你注入的任何JavaScript库。

但如果你的意思是,提供请求:那么是的,你是对的,Express用于在Node中提供请求。 js,因为它提供了一种管理服务器的灵活方式。 :-)

The client-side library in your code might be hogan-express[^] and that will be responsible for generating dynamic HTML content and providing it. Still, we have not yet reached the client-side. The ruler of the client-side realm is JavaScript. I do not see any JavaScript library that you are injecting there.

But if you meant, to serve the requests: Then yes, you are right, Express is used to serve the requests in Node.js as it provides a flexible way to manage your server. :-)



Is this the right way to use NodeJS with an API or are there other ways?



Yes, Express is a great library to serve most of the purposes that you have in mind. Now understand this, that you are only calling the API to get some result. In Node.js the preferred result from an API is the JSON document, since Node.js has native support for that.

The Twit library would definitely have its own documentation that you can reach and understand to further proceed.



In my application, I'm using hogan-express as template engine, do I need to use a template engine or can I use just normal html?

这部分你也有点不对,抱歉。 hogan-express早已被其经理,开发人员弃用。检查我为hogan-express附加的链接。我可以推荐使用Pug或EJX,还有许多其他模板库,但这些都有点可忍受。 :D

最后,简单的HTML文件不会为您带来任何好处,因为您需要使用模板来显示页面上的推文,否则,静态页面不包含太多信息 - 除非您计划为每个请求创建新的HTML页面。


你可能会我对我为初学者创建的Node.js示例感兴趣,它展示了Node.js,Express,Pug以及您可以在存储库中找到的更多技术的基础知识: []

You are a bit wrong in this part too, sorry. hogan-express has been long deprecated by its own manager, developer. Check the link I attached for hogan-express. I can recommend using either Pug, or EJX, there are many other template libraries, but these are somewhat bearable. :D

Lastly, simple HTML files will not serve you any benefit, since you will need to use a template nonetheless to show the tweets on the page, otherwise, a static page won't contain much information — unless you plan to create a new HTML page for each request.

Twit package on NPM[^]

You might be interested in my Node.js sample, that I created for beginners to try and learn, it demonstrates basics of Node.js, Express, Pug and a few more technologies that you can find on the repository: GitHub - afzaal-ahmad-zeeshan/nodejs-dockerized: Dockerized Node.js application.[^]


10-28 03:29