

我正在尝试使用 Eclipse 中 index.jsp 页面下的 html <APPLET> 标签在浏览器上加载小程序.

I am trying to load applet on browser using html <APPLET> tag under index.jsp page in eclipse.

<APPLET archive="VitalTrackApplet_MOD.jar" code ="vitaltrackapplet_mod/VitalTrackApplet_MOD.class"
                    width="100%" height="650">

    <PARAM name="opdid" value="1234" />
    <PARAM name="patientid" value="12" />
    <PARAM name="replay" value="false" />
    <PARAM name="hostpname" value="lifecare" />
    <PARAM name="pname" value="anil" />
    <PARAM name="createdate" value="12/17/2012" />
    <PARAM name="filename" value="example" />


我已将 VitalTrackApplet_MOD.jar 放在 WebContent/WEB-INF/lib 文件夹下.但是当我每次运行这个 index.jsp 时它都显示 class not found excepion.

I have put VitalTrackApplet_MOD.jar under WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder.but when I run this index.jsp every time it show class not found excepion.


当您运行 index.jsp 时,它会在同一文件夹下找到 VitalTrackApplet_MOD.jar.请将您的 VitalTrackApplet_MOD.jar 放在 WebContent 文件夹下.

when you run your index.jsp it find VitalTrackApplet_MOD.jar under same folder. Please put your VitalTrackApplet_MOD.jar under WebContent folder.


10-28 05:22