

我想要做的就是从文本文件导入数据。该文件存在于C:\ temp \ text.txt中。但是,我一直收到文件未找到错误。我到底做错了什么???

All I want to do is import data from a text file. The file exists at C:\temp\text.txt. However, I keep getting a file not found error. What the heck am I doing wrong???

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String mFilename = "C:\\temp\\text.txt";
    Scanner myDataStream = new Scanner(new File(mFilename));}



For the sake of giving this question an answer:

谷歌搜索提出了一个案例,其中有人隐藏了文件扩展名,他的文件实际上是 text.txt.txt 。检查是不是你的情况。

Googling brought up a case where someone had file extensions hidden and his file was actually text.txt.txt. Check if it's not your case.

您可以通过组织>来显示Windows 7中的扩展程序。 从任意文件夹的菜单中查看并取消选中隐藏已知文件类型的扩展名

You can display extensions in Windows 7 by going in Organize > Folder and search option > View and unchecking Hide extensions for known file types from any folder's menu.


10-28 04:12