上下文:csv 填充了来自足球队的数据 [年龄组、回合、反对派、球队得分、反对派得分、位置].我需要能够选择一个特定的年龄组,并且只在单独的表格中显示这些详细信息.到目前为止,这就是我所拥有的......infile = open("Crushers.csv","r")对于 infile 中的行:row = line.split(",")年龄 = 行 [0]周 = 行 [1]opp = 行[2]ACscr = 行[3]OPPscr = 行 [4]位置 = 行 [5]如果年龄=='U12':打印(周,opp,ACscr,OPPscr,位置) 解决方案 在开始打印所需的行之前,输出一些 HTML 以设置适当的表结构.当您找到要打印的行时,以 HTML 表格行格式输出.#开始表格打印(")# 列标题打印(")打印(周")打印(<td>Opp</td>")打印(<td>ACscr</td>")打印(<td>OPPscr</td>")打印(<td>位置</td>")打印(</th>")infile = open("Crushers.csv","r")对于 infile 中的行:row = line.split(",")年龄 = 行 [0]周 = 行 [1]opp = 行[2]ACscr = 行[3]OPPscr = 行 [4]位置 = 行 [5]如果年龄=='U12':打印(")打印(<td>%s</td>"%周)打印(<td>%s</td>"% opp)打印(<td>%s</td>"% ACscr)打印(<td>%s</td>"% OPPscr)打印(<td>%s</td>"%位置)打印(</tr>")# 结束表打印(</table>")I'm trying to take data from a .csv file and importing into a HTML table within python.This is the csv file https://www.mediafire.com/?mootyaa33bmijiqContext:The csv is populated with data from a football team [Age group, Round, Opposition, Team Score, Opposition Score, Location]. I need to be able to select a specific age group and only display those details in separate tables. This is all I've got so far.... infile = open("Crushers.csv","r")for line in infile: row = line.split(",") age = row[0] week = row [1] opp = row[2] ACscr = row[3] OPPscr = row[4] location = row[5]if age == 'U12': print(week, opp, ACscr, OPPscr, location) 解决方案 Before you begin printing the desired rows, output some HTML to set up an appropriate table structure.When you find a row you want to print, output it in HTML table row format.# begin the tableprint("<table>")# column headersprint("<th>")print("<td>Week</td>")print("<td>Opp</td>")print("<td>ACscr</td>")print("<td>OPPscr</td>")print("<td>Location</td>")print("</th>")infile = open("Crushers.csv","r")for line in infile: row = line.split(",") age = row[0] week = row [1] opp = row[2] ACscr = row[3] OPPscr = row[4] location = row[5] if age == 'U12': print("<tr>") print("<td>%s</td>" % week) print("<td>%s</td>" % opp) print("<td>%s</td>" % ACscr) print("<td>%s</td>" % OPPscr) print("<td>%s</td>" % location) print("</tr>")# end the tableprint("</table>") 这篇关于在 Python 中将 CSV 转换为 HTML 表格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-28 03:54