

我想将 NSData 转换为字节数组,因此我编写以下代码:

I want to convert NSData to a byte array, so I write the following code:

NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
int len = [data length];
Byte byteData[len];
byteData = [data bytes];


But the last line of code pops up an error saying "incompatible types in assignment".What is the correct way to convert the data to byte array then?


你不能声明一个数组使用变量使字节byteData [len]; 不起作用。如果要从指针复制数据,还需要memcpy(它将遍历指针指向的数据并将每个字节复制到指定的长度)。

You can't declare an array using a variable so Byte byteData[len]; won't work. If you want to copy the data from a pointer, you also need to memcpy (which will go through the data pointed to by the pointer and copy each byte up to a specified length).


NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
NSUInteger len = [data length];
Byte *byteData = (Byte*)malloc(len);
memcpy(byteData, [data bytes], len);


This code will dynamically allocate the array to the correct size (you must free(byteData) when you're done) and copy the bytes into it.

你也可以使用 getBytes: length:如果您想使用固定长度的数组,则由其他人指示。这样可以避免malloc / free,但是可扩展性较差,更容易出现缓冲区溢出问题,因此我很少使用它。

You could also use getBytes:length: as indicated by others if you want to use a fixed length array. This avoids malloc/free but is less extensible and more prone to buffer overflow issues so I rarely ever use it.


10-28 05:44