很多人都很熟悉Alexandrescus ScopeGuard先生的模板(现在是Loki的一部分)和这里提供的新版本ScopeGuard11:
Many people are no doubt familiar with Mr. Alexandrescus ScopeGuard template (now part of Loki) and the new version ScopeGuard11 presented here:http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/C-and-Beyond-2012-Andrei-Alexandrescu-Systematic-Error-Handling-in-C
在他的c ++及更高版本的演讲2012他提到他找不到一种方法来正确检测范围是否由于异常而退出。因此,当且仅当由于异常而退出范围时,他无法实现一个SCOPE_FAIL宏,它将执行提供的lambda(通常用于回滚代码)。这将使dismiss()成员函数不需要,并使代码更可读。
In his talk at c++ and beyond 2012 he mentioned that he couldn't find a way to correctly detect if scope was being exited because of an exception. Therefore he couldn't implement a SCOPE_FAIL macro which would execute the supplied lambda (usually used for roll back code) if and only if the scope exited because of an exception. This would render the dismiss() member function unneeded and make code more readable.
Since I am by no means as genius or experienced as Mr. Alexandrescu I expect implementing SCOPE_FAIL is not as easy as this:
~ScopeGuard11(){ //destructor
if(std::uncaught_exception()){ //if we are exiting because of an exception
f_(); //execute the functor
//otherwise do nothing
My question is why not?
使用 ScopeGuard11
类,它有你的析构函数,成员 f _
With a ScopeGuard11
class that has your destructor, the member f_
may be called, even if it is not the current scope (that is supposed to be protected by the guard) that is being exited due to an exception. Use of this guard is unsafe in code that might be used during exception cleanup.
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// simplified ScopeGuard11
template <class Fun>
struct ScopeGuard11 {
Fun f_;
ScopeGuard11(Fun f) : f_(f) {}
~ScopeGuard11(){ //destructor
if(std::uncaught_exception()){ //if we are exiting because of an exception
f_(); //execute the functor
//otherwise do nothing
void rollback() {
std::cout << "Rolling back everything\n";
void could_throw(bool doit) {
if (doit) throw std::string("Too bad");
void foo() {
ScopeGuard11<void (*)()> rollback_on_exception(rollback);
// should never see a rollback here
// as could throw won't throw with this argument
// in reality there might sometimes be exceptions
// but here we care about the case where there is none
struct Bar {
~Bar() {
// to cleanup is to foo
// and never throw from d'tor
try { foo(); } catch (...) {}
void baz() {
Bar bar;
ScopeGuard11<void (*)()> more_rollback_on_exception(rollback);
int main() try {
} catch (std::string & e) {
std::cout << "caught: " << e << std::endl;
你会想要看到一个 code>,当你离开
时,你会看到两个 - 包括一个离开 foo
You'd want to see one rollback
when leaving baz
, but you'll see two - including a spurious one from leaving foo
这篇关于为什么Alexandrescu不能使用std :: uncaught_exception()在ScopeGuard11中实现SCOPE_FAIL?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!