

我正在将一个旧的经典ASP网站转换为.NET MVC 5,实体框架6.

I am in the process of converting an old classic asp site to .NET MVC 5, Entity Framework 6.


I am stuck on a linq query that I cannot figure out.Here is my original SQL query:

@"SELECT DISTINCT AC.id, AC.name, ISNULL(AC.[order], 999) 
        FROM tbl12AuditCategories AC 
        INNER JOIN tbl12AuditQuestions AQ ON AC.id = AQ.new_categoryId 
        WHERE AQ.include = 1 AND AC.include = 1 AND ISNULL(AC.AuditQuestionGroupId, '0') = ? 
        ORDER BY ISNULL(AC.[order], 999), AC.name";


I would pass in a value to the ISNULL(AC.AuditQuestionGroupId, '0') = ?. Now with Linq I can just pass the value in easily.

 PracticeConductViewModel pcvm = new PracticeConductViewModel();
            pcvm.Categories = (from x in _repository.GetAll<ReviewCategory>()
                               join y in _repository.GetAll<ReviewQuestion>()
                                on x.id equals y.CategoryId
                               orderby x.order == null ? 999 : x.order, x.name
                              where x.include == true && y.include == true && (x.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0)
                              select x).ToList();

我的问题是这一行:其中x.include == true&&y.include == true&&(x.AuditQuestionGroupId!= null?this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId:0)

My problem is this line:where x.include == true && y.include == true && (x.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0)


Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'int?'


I understand what it is telling me, but I can't figure out how to correctly get the ISNULL(..) function converted from the SQL.


此(x.AuditQuestionGroupId!= null?this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId:0)解析为可为空的int,该int显然不属于布尔值的一部分条件.

This (x.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0) resolves to a nullable int which obviously doesn't belong as part of a boolean condition.


where x.include == true && y.include == true
   && ((x.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? x.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0) ==  this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId)


10-26 21:57