本文介绍了C#和wave - 如何处理20ms的音频数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





最后我将需要处理几种类型(2通道,16Khz等),但现在我有一个 8000hz,1通道16位文件。

我正在使用 NAudio 来阅读文件。


Hi all,

I'm having issues with achieving something I'm sure you guys can assist.
I'm trying to iterate over a Wave file and process 20ms of the audio data each time. However, I'm getting confused with the bytes arrays and conversions and I'd be grateful if someone can assist on this with examples...

At the end I will need to handle several types (2-channels, 16Khz etc.) but for now I have a ready 8000hz, 1 channel 16bit file.

I'm using NAudio for reading the file.

What I have tried:

Pcm 8000Hz 1 channels 16 bits per sample
Extra Size: 0 Block Align: 2 Average Bytes Per Second: 16000
WaveFormat: 16 bit PCM: 8kHz 1 channels
Length: 351360 bytes: 00:00:21.9600000 

WaveFileReader wHeader= new WaveFileReader(FullFileName);

byte[] data = new byte[wHeader.Length];
int read = wHeader.Read(data, 0, data.Length);  //Length = 351360
short[] shortBuffer = new short[read / 2]; // = 175680
int tBuf = 159; //Not sure this is 20ms?
short[] InpBuf = new short[tBuf]; //This is the 20ms inputBuffer I will process
int offst = 0;

Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, shortBuffer, 0, data.Length);

for (int i = 0; i < read; i += 2)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(shortBuffer , offst, InpBuf, 0, tBuf);  //I'm taking the tBuf (=159) data from the full shortBuffer into InpBuf (with offset of 0)
                offst += tBuf+1; //advancing the next offset from 0 to 160

                Process20ms(InpBuf);  //now I can process the 20ms of data

                Array.Clear(InpBuf, 0, InpBuf.Length); //resetting the InpBuf for the next iteration

无论如何,当我将 inpBuf 块与完整的 shortBuffer 进行比较时,这种方法效果不佳我可以看到inpBuf [0]到inpBufp [78]中的数据是相同的,但之后我得到00000直到inpBuf [159]。

在inpBuf [160]之后我得到完全不同的数据。




Anyways, this doesn't work well, when I'm comparing the inpBuf chunks to the full shortBuffer I can see that the data in inpBuf[0] to inpBufp[78] is identical, but afterwards i get 00000 till inpBuf[159].
After inpBuf[160] I'm getting totally different data.

So, I'm confused with the Byte, Short, Blockcopy and samples, although it sounds very easy to achieve once I have the full audio data array.

Once I understand this I believe it will be much easier to process Stereo (2 channels) files as well.



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10-26 21:44