本文介绍了Raudus 与 ExtPascal:使用 ExtJS 的 Delphi Web 开发替代方案的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Delphi 开发人员有多种工具(ASP.NET 的几种替代方案)用于构建 Web 应用程序.

Delphi developers has several tools (several alternatives to ASP.NET) for building web applications.

虽然排名第一的框架是 Intraweb,但人们对 ExtJS 有很多兴趣,它有两个化身:1) 开源的 ExtPascal2) 闭源 Raudus

While No.1 framework is Intraweb, there is a lot of interest around ExtJS, that has 2 incarnations:1) the opensource ExtPascal2) the closedsource Raudus

现在产品不同了,Raudus 从不支持最新的 ExtJS 版本(而 ExtPascal 支持,因为据我所知几乎自动更新到最新的 ExJS 版本"),Raudus似乎"很多 RAD(非常类似于从 RAD 的角度来看 Intraweb).

Now the products are different, Raudus never supports the latest ExtJS version (while ExtPascal does because as far as I read it "almost automatically updates itself to the latest ExJS version"), Raudus "seems" much RAD (much similar to Intraweb from the RAD point of view).


Anyway why chose one or the other?

为什么 Raudus(因为它是免费的)不能成为开源?还是 Raudus 在幕后使用 ExtPascal?

Why Raudus (since it is free) cannot become Open Source? Or does Raudus use ExtPascal behind the scenes?

评论:uniGUI 乍一看似乎结合了 Raudus 的优点(RAD 部分)和 ExtPascal(基于 extPascal).

Comment: uniGUI seems at first sight to combine the good part of Raudus (the RAD part) and ExtPascal (being based on extPascal).


在使用 Raudus 几个月后,我决定发布我自己的答案.

After using Raudus for a few months I decided to post my own answer.

该框架正在改进,现在 Sencha 触摸支持尚不完整,但足以创建针对移动设备优化的可用 Web 应用程序.

The framework is improving, Sencha touch support now it is not complete but sufficient to create usable web applications optimized for mobile devices.

RFE,一个不基于 Sencha Touch 的新前端正在开发中,在下一个 Raudus 版本(应该很快发布)中将提供新控件集的可用预览.

RFE, a new front end, not based on Sencha Touch is under developement and in next Raudus release (that should be out soon) there will be a usable preview of the new controls set.

因此,虽然 ExtPascal 似乎被冻结了,但 Raudus 正在取得进展并充满希望.

So while ExtPascal seems frozen, Raudus is in progress and promising.

更新:我停止使用 Raudus,它放弃了对 ExtJs 的支持,现在它带有自己的控件,永远无法与 extjs 组件的美观和丰富性相提并论.我现在要使用 IW + cgdevtools 组件,它们是 IW 的 Jquery UI.

Update: I stopped using Raudus, it dropped ExtJs support and now it ships with own controls, that will never match the beauty and richness of extjs components. I am now going for IW + cgdevtools components that are Jquery UI for IW.

这篇关于Raudus 与 ExtPascal:使用 ExtJS 的 Delphi Web 开发替代方案的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-26 16:08