When taking a look at Kephas framework these days, I noticed it provides its own dependency injection container. There are so many dependency injection frameworks on the market now, why bring your own implementation? Isn't that just reinventing the wheel?
Kephas本身并没有提供DI / IoC容器,而是仅提供了一种抽象方法?层位于DI / IoC容器之上,因此它可以使用合成本身,而不必绑定到特定的实现。它确实提供的是Kephas.Composition.Mef包(System.Composition 这个抽象层的适配器。 org / packages / Kephas.Composition.Mef / rel = nofollow noreferrer> https://www.nuget.org/packages/Kephas.Composition.Mef/ )。我们还计划了 Autofac
Kephas does not provide a DI/IoC container itself, it provides only an abstraction layer over DI/IoC containers, so that it can use composition itself without being bound to a specific implementation. What it does provide is an adapter for this abstraction layer for System.Composition
in the Kephas.Composition.Mef package (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Kephas.Composition.Mef/). We planned also an adapter for Autofac
but we didn't have the time to implement it to end.
Please note that this abstraction layer does come with some features unique to Kephas:
- 注册服务实现可能会被覆盖,以利用分层的应用程序体系结构。 / li>
- 服务合同/接口通过
[* AppServiceContract]
- Registered service implementations may be overridden, to leverage layered application architectures.
- Service contracts/interfaces drive the registration by the means of the
Also note that metadata support is a required feature for DI frameworks Kephas integrate with, which, in some cases, may impose limitations. For more information you can read here: https://github.com/kephas-software/kephas/wiki/Composition-and-Dependency-Injection.