本文介绍了WCF 接收带有 SWA 负载的请求的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们需要构建一个将文档上传到 Sharepoint 的 WCF Web 服务.我们的企业服务总线是一个名为 WPS(websphere process server)的 IBM 产品,请求来自另一个名为 BTT(银行转换工具包)的 IBM 产品.这两种产品,在已安装的版本中,不支持 MTOM,但支持 SwA.我们现在正在研究构建自定义绑定以支持 SwA.有没有人试过这个并且能够分享那里的经验?

We have a requirement to build a WCF web service that uploads a document into Sharepoint. Our Enterprise service Bus is a IBM product called WPS (websphere process server) and the request is coming from is another IBM product call BTT ( Bank Transformation Toolkit). both of these products, in there installed version, do not support MTOM but they do support SwA. We are now investigating building a custom binding to support SwA. Has anyone tried this and able to share there experience?


如果您想使用带有附件的 SOAP 而不是 MTOM,您需要自定义消息编码器 = 自定义绑定中使用的自定义通道.您可以按照 SwA 规范 构建您自己的规范,也可以尝试 这个来自 CodePlex.

If you want to use SOAP with Attachments instead of MTOM you need custom message encoder = custom channel used in custom binding. You can build your own following SwA specification or you can try this one from CodePlex.

这篇关于WCF 接收带有 SWA 负载的请求的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-25 00:32