

正如我在前面的线程中所解释的,我正在做一个WCF服务,该服务接受对象并将它们添加到列表中.我还做了一个删除所有对象的函数(List< MyObjects> listOfMyObjects; listOfMyObjects.Clear();).

As I've explained in previous threads I'm doing a WCF service that takes in objects and adds them to a list. I also made a function that removes all objects (List<MyObjects> listOfMyObjects; listOfMyObjects.Clear();).


in my interface I've defined it like that

[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]

void RemoveAllObjects();


The things is, IsOneWay does this:


>> if you don’t mark the Operation with IsOneWay then we will wait for an ACK/NACK reply

因此,就我而言,它不会返回回复消息.但是对于我的客户端应用程序来说,在调用此函数后知道所有对象已被删除是至关重要的.因此,我可以删除((IsOneWay = true)")一切都应该没问题,但是我有了一个函数,该函数被调用并且不返回任何内容.

So, in my case, it doesn't return a reply message. But it is crucial for my application on the client side to know that all objects have been removed, after calling this function. So, I could just erase "(IsOneWay=true)" and all should be fine, but then I have an function, that is called and doesn't return anything.


Is this terribly wrong? Will I lose the basic idea of WCF if I have a void method and don't define it as IsOneWay?


 - throw a fault from the service if your remove operation fails. you would have to catch this on the client. If the call doesn't return a fault you can assume your List is now empty*.


10-24 23:35