As the title states, I have a Leaflet (version 1.02) map that breaks if I try to zoom in after calling a flyTo() action. Oddly, if I zoom out first, I can then zoom freely, in or out without the map breaking. Panning also works after the flyTo(), but zooming in will still break the map unless I first call a zoomOut action.
I am not at max zoom, and this happens in multiple maps with different sets of markers. If, at zoomend of the flyTo(), I setZoom at the current level, I can then zoom freely, in or out, but this causes the map to flicker after the flyTo() and is very unappealing.
I know this post is somewhat old at this point, but if anyone runs into a situation where they're using leaflet with the flyTo() function and getting subsequent weird behaviour with zooming then the issue may be what format you're passing your arguments to flyTo().
Make sure the lat, lon are cast to float and zoom is cast to int. I ran into this issue and it turned out to be due to my parameters being passed in a strings. flyTo() seems to operate fine with strings as parameters but subsequent zoom operations act erratically.