我需要根据一个或多个列查看具有过滤能力的大(> 10 MB,~100000行)制表符分隔文本文件。 (我不需要任何索引或编辑功能)
I need to view large ( > 10 MB, ~100000 lines) tab delimitered text files with filtering ability according to one or more of the columns. (I do not need any sording or editing abilities)
The solution I thought about is loading the delimetered file into a data table and showing it in a DataGridView control.
为了获得更好的性能,我使用了http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171624.aspx 使用表格I作为数据源从文件而不是数据库连接创建。
For achieving better performance I used an caching mechanism described in http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171624.aspx using as datasource the table I created from the file instead of database connection.
尝试过滤数据时我正在使用 table.Select(filter)并使用DataRetriever返回的行class(根据上述文章)更新缓存机制。
When trying to filter the data I'm using table.Select(filter) and using the returned rows with DataRetriever class (according to the abovementioned article) to update the caching mechanism.
之后我通过 这个清除DataGridView .dgridView.Rows.Clear(); 并通过 此 .dgridView.RowCount = retriever.RowCount来支持RowCount的属性;
Afterwards I'm clearing the DataGridView by this.dgridView.Rows.Clear(); and asigning the RowCount proprerty by this.dgridView.RowCount = retriever.RowCount;
第一个赋值(所有行)需要一段合理的时间,但是当使用过滤器放大当前显示最后一个赋值的行数时(RowCount) )需要很长一段时间。
The first assignment (all of the rows) takes an a reasonable period of time but when using a filter that enlarges the amount of rows that currently displayed the last assignment (RowCount) takes enormous period of time.
除此之外我注意到 CellValueNeeded 和 CellFormatting 事件的火灾频率与数量不成比例当前显示的单元格,如果出现性能原因可能是一个。
Except this I noticed that the CellValueNeeded and CellFormatting events fire frequency is unproportional to the number of cells currently displayed and that may be one if the reasons for performance proplem.
1. Is it the best control I can use for my needs ?
2. Is this a right way I'm using the DataGridView contol for my needs ?
2. Is there any way I can improve the performance, current performance is unacceptable ?
private void LoadSqlData(ref DataGridView dgv,string sfilter)
dgv.CellValueNeeded -= new DataGridViewCellValueEventHandler(dgv_CellValueNeeded);
dgv.RowCount = 0;
DataRetriever retriever =
new DataRetriever(project.Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString, "Artikelen", sfilter ); //for example "bWebEnabled=0"
memoryCache = new Cache(retriever, 50);
foreach (DataColumn column in retriever.Columns)
column.ColumnName, column.ColumnName);
dgv.RowCount = retriever.RowCount;
catch (SqlException se)
    public DataTable SupplyPageOfData(int lowerPageBoundary,int rowsPerPage)
if(columnToSortBy == null)
columnToSortBy = this.Columns [0] .ColumnName;
if(!this.Columns [columnToSortBy] .Unique)
command.CommandText =" Select Top" + rowsPerPage +" " +
CommaSeparatedListOfColumnNames +"来自" + tableName +
"在哪里" + columnToSortBy +" NOT IN(选择顶部 lowerPageBoundary +" " + columnToSortBy +" From" +
tableName +" Order By" + columnToSortBy +
" )" +(this.sfilter!= string.Empty?" AND" + sfilter +"" ;: string.Empty) +"排序依据" + columnToSortBy;
adapter.SelectCommand = command;
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
} b
public DataTable SupplyPageOfData(int lowerPageBoundary, int rowsPerPage)
// Store the name of the ID column. This column must contain unique
// values so the SQL below will work properly.
if (columnToSortBy == null)
columnToSortBy = this.Columns[0].ColumnName;
if (!this.Columns[columnToSortBy].Unique)
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(
"Column {0} must contain unique values.", columnToSortBy));
// Retrieve the specified number of rows from the database, starting
// with the row specified by the lowerPageBoundary parameter.
command.CommandText = "Select Top " + rowsPerPage + " " +
CommaSeparatedListOfColumnNames + " From " + tableName +
" WHERE " + columnToSortBy + " NOT IN (SELECT TOP " +
lowerPageBoundary + " " + columnToSortBy + " From " +
tableName + " Order By " + columnToSortBy +
") " + (this.sfilter != string.Empty? " AND "+sfilter +" ": string.Empty) + "Order By " + columnToSortBy;
adapter.SelectCommand = command;
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
return table;
until here works everything ok like you can see i added sfilter to sql statement.
but after filter statement happend i got error here in Cache class.
private bool IfPageCached_ThenSetElement(int rowIndex,
int columnIndex, ref string element)
if (IsRowCachedInPage(0, rowIndex))
element = cachePages[0].table
.Rows[rowIndex % RowsPerPage][columnIndex].ToString(); //here comes error
return true;
else if (IsRowCachedInPage(1, rowIndex))
element = cachePages[1].table
.Rows[rowIndex % RowsPerPage][columnIndex].ToString();
return true;
return false;
¥ b $ b附加信息:位置9没有排。
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in System.Data.dll
Additional information: There is no row at position 9.
thanks by advance