我有一条SQL语句,它通过关联表(courses_trainers)分离运动类/课程(courses)和其教练(trainers).由于某些课程有多个培训师,因此我使用GROUP_CONCAT(...)函数将培训师姓名集中到一个字段中.一些培训师行为空或NULL,因此我在培训师JOIN的ON子句中添加了trainers.name IS NOT NULL和trainers.name != ""条件:
I have an SQL statement, that selets sport classes/courses (courses) with their trainers (trainers) over an association table (courses_trainers). Since some courses have multiple trainers, I use the GROUP_CONCAT(...) function to get the trainer names into one field. Some trainers rows are empty or NULL, so I add a trainers.name IS NOT NULL and a trainers.name != "" condition to the ON clause of the trainers JOIN:
SQL statement
SELECT courses.id AS id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT trainers.name SEPARATOR "|||") AS trainers ... FROM courses ... LEFT JOIN courses_trainers ON courses.id = courses_trainers.course_id LEFT JOIN trainers ON trainer_id = trainers.id AND trainers.name IS NOT NULL AND trainers.name != "" ... ... WHERE `courses`.`id` = '898' GROUP BY courses.id ;
public function findOnceByID($id) { $concatDelimiter = self::CONCAT_DELIMITER; $select = new Select(); ... $select->columns(array( 'id', ... )); $select->from($this->tableGateway->getTable()); $select ... ->join('courses_trainers', 'courses.id = courses_trainers.course_id', array(), Select::JOIN_LEFT) ->join('trainers', 'trainer_id = trainers.id AND trainers.name IS NOT NULL AND trainers.name != ""', array( 'trainers' => new Expression('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT trainers.name SEPARATOR "' . $concatDelimiter . '")') ), Select::JOIN_LEFT) ... ; $where ->equalTo('courses.id', $id) ; $select->where($where, Predicate::OP_AND); $select->group('courses.id'); $resultSet = $this->tableGateway->selectWith($select); return $resultSet; }
The generated JOIN code I get looks like this:
LEFT JOIN `courses_trainers` ON `courses`.`id` = `courses_trainers`.`course_id` LEFT JOIN `trainers` ON `trainer_id` = `trainers`.`id` AND `trainers`.`name` `IS` `NOT` `NULL` AND `trainers`.`name` `!`= `"``"`
So, here is to much quoted.
如何解释" ZF,以不引用IS,NOT,"等?
How to "explain" to the ZF, that IS, NOT, " etc. should not be quoted?
The join method accepts an expression as its second parameter for the ON clause
->join('trainers', new Expression('trainer_id = trainers.id AND trainers.name IS NOT NULL AND trainers.name != ""'),
这篇关于Zend Framework 2中的JOIN子句的ON条件中IS,NULL,NOT 、!和其他保留字符串的引用问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!