

除了使用 JMX 之外,还有其他方法可以知道 Broker 是否是 ActiveController?

Other than using JMX is there any other way to know, whether a broker is an ActiveController?

我知道集群生成了一个指标 kafka.controller:type=KafkaController,name=ActiveControllerCount,但我找不到哪个代理是活动控制器.

I know that the cluster generates a metric kafka.controller:type=KafkaController,name=ActiveControllerCount, but I cannot find which broker is the active controller.

是否有必要编写一个 JMX 客户端来了解它,或者还有其他(更好的?)方法吗?

Is it necessary to write a JMX client to know it or is there another (better?) way?


您可以使用 zookeeper-shell 工具找到活动控制器,如下所示:

You can find the active controller using the zookeeper-shell tool as follows:

./bin/zookeeper-shell.sh [ZK_IP] get /controller


10-23 16:29