

我想在我的活动获得 ServiceState 的一个实例。但我怎么做到这一点?没有静态方法来获得实例或返回一个 ServiceState 实例的任何服务的任何方法。结果
还有就是 TelephonyManager.listen()电话。但我想获得 ServiceState 实例时,我想,如果不是因为什么改变了Android把我的听众。

I'm trying to obtain an instance of ServiceState in my Activity. But how am I supposed to do this? There is no static method to obtain an instance or any method on any service that returns an ServiceState instance.
There is the TelephonyManager.listen() call. But I want to get the ServiceState instance when I want, not when Android calls my listener because something changed.

ServiceState 的文档可以在这里找到:的

The documentation of ServiceState can be found here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/telephony/ServiceState.html



I think I did't really understand your question since as far as I can tell, ever since API level 1, there's been an empty constructor on ServiceState which is public. So if you want an instance of it, all you have to do is:

ServiceState serviceState = new ServiceState();


Now that I understand your situation, the only thing I can think of is that after you register a PhoneStateListener you will get an update on the PhoneState (it may not have actually changed but an event is fired to let you know the current value I guess). So the only workaround I can think of would be to keep registering a phoneStateListener when you want to know the current value and deregistering it when you don't need it anymore.



10-23 11:00