


I have a function called Modify. It is delcared like so:

Public Function Modify(Of SIMType As {New, DAOBase})(ByVal obj As DAOBase) As Boolean


You can see that this function is generic. It takes as a paramer a object that is a DAOBase or subclasses of DAOBase.


Inside the modify function there is a call like so:



This is where the polymorphism comes into play. There are four or so subclasses I have created of DAOBase. I have written a DAOToGP() for each of these types. So in the Modify() function, when it calls the DAOToGP(obj), polymorphism should kick in and it should call the correct implementation of DAOToGP() depending on the type that I pass into Modify().


Error   20  Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'DAOToGP' can be called without a narrowing conversion:
'Public Shared Function DAOToGP(distributor As Distributors) As Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.Vendor': Argument matching parameter 'distributor' narrows from 'SierraLib.DAOBase' to 'IMS.Distributors'.
'Public Shared Function DAOToGP(product As Products) As Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.SalesItem': Argument matching parameter 'product' narrows from 'SierraLib.DAOBase' to 'IMS.Products'. C:\Users\dvargo.SIERRAWOWIRES\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\SIM\Dev_2\SIM\IMS\DVSIMLib\GP\GPSIMRunner\Runners\RunnerBase.vb 66  39  IMS


I am kind of at a loss here. I am not sure why it cant figure out which function to call. Any ideas?



You have to specify obj as SIMType instead of DAOBase:

Public Function Modify(Of SIMType As {New, DAOBase})(ByVal obj As SIMType) As Boolean


Otherwise your generic type parameter would be useless.


Your DAOToGP function have different signatures and are apparently not derived from a base class. Try this:

Public Class DAOBase(Of Tin, Tout)
    Public Function DAOToGP(ByVal obj As Tin) As Tout
    End Function
End Class

Public Module Test_DAOBase
    Public Function Modify(Of Tin, Tout)(ByVal obj As DAOBase(Of Tin, Tout)) As Boolean
    End Function
End Module


You could also declare DAOBAse as an abstract class (MustInherit) and DAOToGP as an abstract function (MustOverride):

Public MustInherit Class DAOBase(Of Tin As {New}, Tout)
    Public MustOverride Function DAOToGP(ByVal obj As Tin) As Tout
End Class

Public Class DAOProduct
    Inherits DAOBase(Of Products, SalesItem)

    Public Overrides Function DAOToGP(ByVal obj As Products) As SalesItem
        Return Nothing
    End Function
End Class

Public Module Test_DAOBase
    Public Function Modify(Of Tin As {New}, Tout)(ByVal obj As DAOBase(Of Tin, Tout)) As Boolean
        Dim out As Tout = obj.DAOToGP(New Tin())     'This is OK
    End Function

    Public Sub TestModify()
        Dim daoProd = New DAOProduct()
        Modify(daoProd)  'This is OK
    End Sub
End Module


Then declare different classes inheriting from DAOBase for the different combinations of parameter types (DAOProduct in my example).


10-23 10:05