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<  标题 > 无标题文档<  /title  > 
<  脚本   类型  ="  文本/javascript" > 
如果(objRad.value =="rent"){
document.getElementById("rent").style.display ='block';
document.getElementById("buymin").style.display ='none';
document.getElementById("buymax").style.display ='none'; //显示其他选项

<  /script  > 
<  /head  > 

<  正文 > 

          <  输入     ="  radio"    名称  ="   rad"     =" 购买"    onclick   ="   doClick(this);"   >  <   b   >  BUY <  /b  > 
                 <  输入     ="  radio"    名称  ="   rad"     ="  RENT"    onclick   ="   doClick(this);"   >  <   b   >  RENT <  /b  > 

         <   p  > 预算<  /p  > 
        <  选择     ="   min"      id   ="  购买" > 
          <  选项   >  Min <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  5Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  10Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  20Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  25Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  30Lakhs <  /option  > 
           <  选项 >  35Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  40Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  45Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  50Lakhs <  /option  > 
        <  /select  > 
        <   span      ="  position:relative; top:6px; left:10px; color: #FFFFFF" >  To <   /span  > 
            <  选择    id   ="   buymax"  class   ="   max" " >> ; 
          <  选项 >  Max <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  10Lakhs <  /option  > 
        <  选项 >  30Lakhs <  /option  > 
        <  选项 >  40Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  50Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  60Lakhs <  /option  > 
         <  选项 >  70Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  80Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  90Lakhs <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  1crore <  /option  > 
        <  /select  > 

<  选择    id   ="   rent"   样式  ="  显示:无"     ="  最小" > 
<  选项   >  MinRent <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  5000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  8000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  10000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  15000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  20000 <  /option  > 
           <  选项 >  30000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  35000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  45000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  50000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  60000 <  /option  > 
           <  选项 >  1Lakh <  /option  > 
        <  /select  > 
               <   span      ="  position:relative; top:6px; left:10px; color: #FFFFFF" >  To <   /span  > 
       <  选择    id   ="   rent"   样式  ="  显示:无"     ="  最大值" > 
          <  选项 >  MaxRent <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  10000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  15000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  20000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  25000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  30000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  35000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  45000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  50000 <  /option  > 
          <  选项 >  1 Lakh <  /option  > 
           <  选项 >  1Lakh + <  /option  > 
        <  /select  > 

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<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function doClick(objRad){
if (objRad.value=="rent"){
document.getElementById("buymax").style.display='none';  //show other options



          <input type="radio" name="rad" value="BUY" onclick="doClick(this);" ><b>BUY</b>
                 <input type="radio" name="rad" value="RENT" onclick="doClick(this);" ><b>RENT</b>

        <select class="min"  id="buymin">
          <option >Min</option>
        <span style="position:relative; top:6px; left:10px; color:#FFFFFF">To</span>
            <select id="buymax"class="max">

<select id="rent" style="display:none" class="min">
<option >MinRent</option>
               <span style="position:relative; top:6px; left:10px; color:#FFFFFF">To</span>
       <select id="rent" style="display:none" class="max">
          <option>1 Lakh</option>
           <option>1Lakh +</option>



10-23 08:11