So I have a sample data set like this in csv:-
name team date score
John A 3/9/12 100
John B 3/9/12 99
Jane B 4/9/12 102
Peter A 9/9/12 103
Josie C 11/9/12 111
Rachel A 30/10/12 98
Kate B 31/10/12 103
David C 1/11/12 104
from pandas.io.parsers import read_csv
df = read_csv("data/Workbook1.csv", index_col=["team", "name"])
date score
team name
A John 3/9/12 100
B John 3/9/12 99
Jane 4/9/12 102
A Peter 9/9/12 103
C Josie 11/9/12 111
A Rachel 30/10/12 98
B Kate 31/10/12 103
C David 1/11/12 104
How do I compress the first index ("team") further so that I don't have duplicate values? To become:-
date score
team name
A John 3/9/12 100
Peter 9/9/12 103
Rachel 30/10/12 98
B John 3/9/12 99
Jane 4/9/12 102
Kate 31/10/12 103
C Josie 11/9/12 111
David 1/11/12 104
df = read_csv("data/Workbook1.csv")
name team date score
0 John A 3/9/12 100
1 John B 3/9/12 99
2 Jane B 4/9/12 102
3 Peter A 9/9/12 103
4 Josie C 11/9/12 111
5 Rachel A 30/10/12 98
6 Kate B 31/10/12 103
7 David C 1/11/12 104
df2 = df.pivot('team', 'name').stack()
date score
team name
A John 3/9/12 100
Peter 9/9/12 103
Rachel 30/10/12 98
B Jane 4/9/12 102
John 3/9/12 99
Kate 31/10/12 103
C David 1/11/12 104
Josie 11/9/12 111