


my parser is nearly working :)(still amazed by Spirit feature set (and compiletimes) and the very welcoming community here on stack overflow)

在线尝试的小样本: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/1c1bf88909dce7e3


so i've learned to use more lexeme-rules and try to prevent no_skip -my rules are smaller and better to read as a result but now i stuck withcombining lexeme-rules and skipping-rules what seems to be not possible (compiletime error with warning about not castable to Skipper)


my problem is the comma seperated list in subscriptionswhich does not skip spaces around expressions




"a.b[ a , b ]"


qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()> identifier_chain;

qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()>
    expression_list = identifier_chain >> *(qi::char_(',') >> identifier_chain);

qi::rule < std::string::const_iterator, std::string() >
    subscription = qi::char_('[') >> expression_list >> qi::char_(']');

qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string()>
    identifier = qi::ascii::alpha >> *(qi::ascii::alnum | '_');

identifier_chain = identifier >> *(('.' >> identifier) | subscription);

如您所见,所有规则都是"lexeme",我认为订阅规则应为ascii :: space_type跳过程序,但不能编译

as you can see all rules are "lexeme" and i think the subscription rule should be a ascii::space_type skipper but that does not compile


should i add space eaters in the front and back of identifier_chains in the expression_list?


feels like writing an regex :(

expression_list = *qi::blank >> identifier_chain >> *(*qi::blank >> qi::char_(',') >> *qi::blank >> identifier_chain >> *qi::blank);


it works but i've read that this will get me to an much bigger parser in the end (handling all the space skipping by myself)


顺便说一句:任何想法为什么我用 qi :: char _('.')

btw: any idea why i can't compile if surrounding the '.' in the indentifier_chain with qi::char_('.')

identifier_chain = identifier >> *(('.' >> identifier) | subscription);



i've updated my expression list as suggested by sehe

qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, spirit::ascii::blank_type, std::string()>
expression_list = identifier_chain >> *(qi::char_(',') >> identifier_chain);

qi::rule < std::string::const_iterator, std::string() >
subscription = qi::char_('[') >> qi::skip(qi::blank)[expression_list] >> qi::char_(']');

但由于无法强制转换的Skipper仍然出现编译错误: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/adcf665742b055dd

but still get compile error due to non castable Skipper: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/adcf665742b055dd


i also tried changed the identifer_chain to

identifier_chain = identifier >> *(('.' >> identifier) | qi::skip(qi::blank)[subscription]);




The answer I linked to earlier describes all the combinations (if I remember correctly): Boost spirit skipper issues


  • 任何声明船长的规则(因此 rule< It,Skipper [,Attr()]> rule< It,Attr(),Skipper> )必须使用兼容的跨接程序(可以指定为 Skipper 类型的表达式)调用.

  • any rule that declares a skipper (so rule<It, Skipper[, Attr()]> or rule<It, Attr(), Skipper>) MUST be invoked with a compatible skipper (an expression that can be assigned to the type of Skipper).

任何不声明船长的规则(其格式为 rule< It [,Attr()]> )将隐含地表现为 lexeme ,表示不会跳过任何输入字符.

any rule that does NOT declare a skipper (so of the form rule<It[, Attr()]>) will implicitly behave like a lexeme, meaning no input characters are skipped.


That's it. The slightly subtler ramifications are that given two rules:

rule<It, blank_type> a;
rule<It> b; // b is implicitly lexeme

可以 a 调用 b :

a = "test" >> b;

但是,当您希望从 b 调用 a 时,您会发现必须提供船长:

But when you wish to invoke a from b you will find that you have to provide the skipper:

b = "oops" >> a; // DOES NOT COMPILE
b = "okay" >> qi::skip(qi::blank) [ a ];


That's almost all there is to it. There are a few more directives around skippers and lexemes in Qi, see again the answer linked above.

如果您在此处仔细查看答案示例,您可以看到它已经已经正确地进行了跳前和跳后,因为我使用了 phrase_parse :

If you look closely at the answer example here Parse a '.' chained identifier list, with qi::lexeme and prevent space skipping, you can see that it already does pre- and post skipping correctly, because I used phrase_parse:

" a.b " OK: ( "a" "b" ) 
"a . b" Failed
Remaining unparsed: "a . b"


You COULD also wrap the whole thing in an "outer" rule:

rule<std::string::const_iterator> main_rule = 
     qi::skip(qi::blank) [ identifier_chain ];

相同,但是允许用户调用 parse 而不指定船长.

That's just the same but allows users to call parse without specifying the skipper.


10-23 05:29