


Are there any recourses on determining the countability of nouns? Either some way to work it out or a dictionary that records whether a noun is likely to countable or not countable?


I'm not interested in whether the noun can be countable but more is it likely to be countable. for instance rice can go to rices which means it can be countable but in most cases it wont be.



This is a tough one. Many English words can be both (beer, time, glass, language, etc etc) depending on the context/meaning.


Figuring out (un)countability from the word alone or from a regular dictionary is impossible or impractical.


You can try to figure it out from a large text corpus by seeing how the word is used:

  • 是否有复数形式
  • 在前面是否有不定冠词
  • 如果使用的次数很多/很少,很多/很少,一块(?)等

但是许多单词既可以用作名词又可以用作形容词,这使事情变得复杂.例如,在an air pump中,air用作形容词,而an指的是pump,而不是air.

But many words can function as both nouns and adjectives and that complicates matters. For example in an air pump, air functions as an adjective and an refers to pump, not to air.

同样,许多单词既可以充当名词又可以充当动词,并且具有相同的形式.例如,在she pressures him中,pressures不是pressure的复数.

Likewise, many words can function as both nouns and verbs and have identical forms. For example, in she pressures him, pressures isn't a plural of pressure.

另外,当某些不可数名词变得更加具体时,它们前面可能会有不定冠词. knowledgea good practical knowledge.

Also, some uncountable nouns can have an indefinite article before them when they are made more specific, e.g. knowledge vs a good practical knowledge.


You can gather statistics from an analyzed corpus and based on it judge whether or not a word is more likely to be countable or uncountable.


10-23 05:08