

我已经在别人之前谈过这个问题,但是在写上一个问题的答案之后,我想知道为什么这是不可能的 - 或者我错过了它可能是什么?

I have touched on this question in others before but after writing an answer to a previous question there got me wondering why this isn't possible - or am I missing the fact that it might be?

鉴于 Interface Builder 在图形化链接各种方法和代理以及数据源方面非常出色,是否有可能没有直接的图形方法来填充 OutlineView 使用在 Core Data 模型中创建的两个实体,它们设置了父子关系,以便(我相信)有足够的信息在 outlineview

Given that Interface Builder is very good at graphically linking various methods and delegates and data sources, is it possible that there's no straightforward graphical means to populate an OutlineView using two entities made in a Core Data model that have a parent child relationship set up so that (I believe) there is enough information to define what parent nodes the child nodes would be listed under in the outlineview?

中定义子节点将列在哪个父节点作为存储两个不同的信息源并随后显示它们的关系的非常逻辑的方式。目前我正在尝试使用 NSTreeController ,使用我自己的数据源工作,目前的能力。

It confuses me as I see this as a very logical way of storing two distinct sources of information and later displaying their relationship. At the moment I am trying to work without using NSTreeController, using my own datasource, and edging into territory far beyond my current ability.


我相信这个问题的沉默和google上缺少结果建议这不是一个内置xcode的方面。我希望它会在未来,因为所有需要的信息是在实体的子 - 父关系。

I believe the silence to this question and the lack of results on google suggest this is not a built-in aspect of xcode. I hope it will be in future as all the information needed is in the child-parent relationship of the entities.


Until then I'm making my own class to do so.


10-23 03:45