

import cv

# create a window
winname = "myWindow"
win = cv.NamedWindow(winname, cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)

# load video file
invideo = cv.CaptureFromFile("video.avi")

# interval between frame in ms.
fps = cv.GetCaptureProperty(invid, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
interval = int(1000.0 / fps)   

# play video
while (True):
    im = cv.QueryFrame(invideo)
    cv.ShowImage(winname, im)
    if cv.WaitKey(interval) == 27: # ASCII 27 is the ESC key

del invideo

上面是使用opencv libraray播放视频文件的简单python代码.

Above is a simple python code using opencv libraray to play a video file.

我唯一不了解的部分是im = cv.QueryFrame(invideo)

The only part I don't understand is im = cv.QueryFrame(invideo)

根据 opencv api ,"QueryFrame从摄像机或视频文件中抓取一帧,将其解压缩并返回."

According to opencv api, " QueryFrame grabs a frame from a camera or video file, decompresses it and returns it."


For my understanding, it just returns an image in iplimage format for one single frame, but how does it know which frame it returns? The only parameter QueryFrame need is the video capture, but there no index to tell it which frame amount the video frames I need to retrieve. What if I need to play a video starting from middle part?



You have to use cv.GetCaptureProperty with CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT to get the number of frames of your video.Divide it by 2 to find the middle.Use QueryFrame until you reach this value.


10-22 23:05