I have a coordinate text file and I wish to read it into a regionprop. I wish to use the regionprop for few analysis like Centroid. How can I do it?
filename = fullfile('E:/outline.txt');
fileID = fopen(filename);
C = textscan(fileID,'%d %d');
stats = regionprops(C,'Centroid')
coordinate text file content is as follow:
88 10
87 11
87 12
88 13
88 14
92 21
93 22
93 23
94 24
95 25
100 33
101 34
102 34
103 34
103 33
103 32
103 31
103 30
103 29
103 28
103 27
102 26
102 25
101 24
101 23
100 22
100 21
100 20
99 19
99 18
94 12
93 12
92 12
91 11
90 11
89 10
88 10
Why don't you just use centroid
, which was introduced in 2017b?
[x,y] = centroid(C);
If you are insistent on regionprops (which is slower, and less accurate than operating on the polygon directly) then you are misunderstanding how region props works. Region props works on images. You need to first create an image, then pass the image to region props.
bw = roipoly(zeros(120), C(:,1), C(:,2));
stats = regionprops(bw);