本文介绍了AngularJS Batarang-什么是interceptedExpressions?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在使用AngularJS 1.3.0稳定版和Batarang Chrome扩展程序.在监视树中,我注意到在我的许多作用域中都有一个称为"interceptedExpression"的东西.那是什么或什么情况会创建一个interceptedExpression?


  • 什么是interceptedExpression?

    interceptedExpression $ parse 返回的函数. >

  • 为什么它在巴塔朗被称为interceptedExpression?

    因为在角度源代码中声明的函数是名为 interceptedExpression .

  • 哪些情况下会创建interceptedExpression?

    我知道的一种情况是,当您在指令中使用=声明局部作用域属性时.这将在batarang中创建一个interceptedExpression记录.在此处中查看. >

I'm currently using the AngularJS 1.3.0 stable build and the Batarang Chrome extension. In the watch tree I notice that under many of my scopes there's something called "interceptedExpression". What is that or what scenarios create an interceptedExpression?


  • What is interceptedExpression?

    interceptedExpression is a function returned by $parse.

  • Why its called interceptedExpression in Batarang?

    Because the function declared inside angular source code is a named function called interceptedExpression.

  • What scenarios create an interceptedExpression?

    One of the scenarios I know is when you declare a local scope property using = in a directive. This will create a interceptedExpression record in batarang. See angular src here.

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10-22 14:28