


I basically want two separate overloads for string/FormattableString (the background is that I want to nudge people towards using string constants for log messages and pass parameters via structured logging instead of the log message to simplify analysis. So the FormattableString logging method would be obsoleted).


Now due to the way the compiler works, you cannot directly overload the methods, because a FormattableString devolves to a string before it's being passed. What does work though is to have a wrapper struct that defines implicit overloads:

public struct StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter
    public string StringValue { get; }

    private StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter(string s)
        StringValue = s;

    public static implicit operator StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter(string s)
        return new StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter(s);

    public static implicit operator StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter(FormattableString fs)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("This only exists to allow correct overload resolution. " +
                                            "This should never be called since the FormattableString overload should be preferred to this.");

public static class Test
    public static void Log(StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter msg)

    public static void Log(FormattableString msg)

    public static void Foo() 
         Log("Hello"); // resolves to StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter overload
         Log($"Hello"); // resolves to FormattableString overload 



So far so good.


What I don't understand: Why does removing the

implicit operator StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter(FormattableString fs)

是否导致调用 Log($"Hello")变得模棱两可?

cause the call Log($"Hello") to become ambiguous?


根据C#规范,插值字符串,从插值字符串到 FormattableString 的隐式转换:

According to C# Specification, Interpolated strings, there is an implicit conversion from interpolated string to FormattableString:

在提供的代码中,还将 string 转换为 StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter .

In the provided code there is also conversion of string to StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter.



可以解析为两个 Log 方法,因为插值字符串表达式 $"Hello" 可以是:

can be resolved to both Log methods, because interpolated string expression $"Hello" can be:

  • 作为插值字符串隐式转换为 FormattableString
  • 作为 string 隐式转换为 StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter .
  • implicitly converted to FormattableString as interpolated string;
  • implicitly converted to StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter as string.


Here an ambiquity occurs to compiler and it needs additional rules to resolve this ambiguity. To resolve the ambiguity compiler uses rules that are described in C# Specification, Better Conversion Target (go to the bottom of the page 164). The rules say that:

  • 存在从 T1 T2 的隐式转换


(other rules are not important for our case)

在提供的代码中, FormattableString StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter 更好,因为

In the provided code FormattableString is better conversion than StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter because

  • 没有从 StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter FormattableString
  • 的隐式转换
  • there is no implicit conversion from StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter to FormattableString

  • 存在从 FormattableString StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter 的隐式转换.
  • an implicit conversion from FormattableString to StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter exists.

因此,编译器倾向于将插值字符串 $"Hello" 转换为 FormattableString ,然后调用方法 Log(FormattableString).

Therefore compiler prefers to convert interpolated string $"Hello" to FormattableString and then invokes method Log(FormattableString).

implicit operator StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter(FormattableString fs)

是否使调用 Log($"Hello")变得模棱两可?

cause the call Log($"Hello") to become ambiguous?

因为删除该运算符,第二条规则(存在从 FormattableString StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter 的隐式转换")现在编译器无法定义更好的转换目标.这会导致编译器含糊不清,并且会发生编译错误.

Because when you remove this operator the second rule ("an implicit conversion from FormattableString to StringIfNotFormattableStringAdapter exists") breaks and now compiler cannot define better conversion target. This causes an ambiguity to compiler and compilation error occurs.


10-22 01:27