

我想知道如何实现比O(N ^ 3)更好的解决方案。它类似于背包和子集问题。在我的问题N








有了这两个建议, for:

  1. 建立一个简单的哈希表:数字是键,卫星数据的索引

  2. 以三角形迭代您的数据集: for i in [0..N-1];对于j在[i + 1..N-1]

  3. 在每次迭代时,检查 K = M - set [i ] - set [j] 在散列表中,如果是,则提取 k = table [K] c $ c> k!= i 和 k!= j


I want to know how I can implement a better solution than O(N^3). Its similar to the knapsack and subset problems. In my question N<=8000, so i started computing sums of pairs of numbers and stored them in an array. Then I would binary search in the sorted set for each (M-sum[i]) value but the problem arises how will I keep track of the indices which summed up to sum[i]. I know I could declare extra space but my Sums array already has a size of 64 million, and hence I couldn't complete my O(N^2) solution. Please advice if I can do some optimization or if I need some totally different technique.


You could benefit from some generic tricks to improve the performance of your algorithm.

1) Don't store what you use only once

It is a common error to store more than you really need. Whenever your memory requirement seem to blow up the first question to ask yourself is Do I really need to store that stuff ? Here it turns out that you do not (as Steve explained in comments), compute the sum of two numbers (in a triangular fashion to avoid repeating yourself) and then check for the presence of the third one.

2) Know your data structures, and in particular: the hash table

Perfect hash tables are rarely (if ever) implemented, but it is (in theory) possible to craft hash tables with O(1) insertion, check and deletion characteristics, and in practice you do approach those complexities (tough it generally comes at the cost of a high constant factor that will make you prefer so-called suboptimal approaches).

Therefore, unless you need ordering (for some reason), membership is better tested through a hash table in general.

With those two recommendations you easily get what you were asking for:

  1. Build a simple hash table: the number is the key, the index the satellite data associated
  2. Iterate in triangle fashion over your data set: for i in [0..N-1]; for j in [i+1..N-1]
  3. At each iteration, check if K = M - set[i] - set[j] is in the hash table, if it is, extract k = table[K] and if k != i and k != j store the triple (i,j,k) in your result.

If a single result is sufficient, you can stop iterating as soon as you get the first result, otherwise you just store all the triples.


10-21 14:07