

我一直在探索用于扩展QuickTest Professional脚本功能的选项,并且遇到了这篇文章今天早上,所以我决定实验一下.下面的代码在QTP环境中执行时可以正常工作,但是我可以在QTP环境之外看到这种用法.不幸的是,从独立的.vbs文件运行时,这会导致错误

I've been exploring options for expanding my QuickTest Professional scripting capabilities, and came across this article this morning, so I decided to experiment a bit. The code below works fine when executed inside the QTP environment, but I could see a use for this outside of the QTP environment as well. Unfortunately, it is causing an error when run from a stand-alone .vbs file

Set MyDate = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.DateTime").Now
msgbox MyDate.ToShortDateString()


The error is "Object Required: 'DotNetFactory'"


I've made .Net calls from VBScript before, but none of them have used DotNetFactory. Code such as

Set coll = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue")



Do I need to set a reference to DotNetFactory? The text from the article


makes me think so, because nothing is automatically loaded by my script editor. If so, how do I do this? I am not using an IDE, just a text editor, so any references would have to be loaded by the script itself.

更新:正如Motto指出的那样,如果没有一些额外的工作就无法完成.文章中的引文指出,mscorlib中包含了 System.DateTime 而不是 DotNetFactory .

Update: As pointed out by Motto, it can't be done without some extra work. The quote from the article was pointing out that System.DateTimenot DotNetFactory is included in mscorlib.


AFAIK DotNetFactory 是QTP创建的对象,而不是您在对Mikeb答案的评论中所说的mscorelib的一部分.因此,除非QTP公开了prog-id,否则您不能从VBS文件的站立位置访问它.

AFAIK DotNetFactory is an object created by QTP, not part of mscorelib as you said in a comment to Mikeb's answer. Therefore you can't access it from a stand along VBS file unless QTP has exposed a prog-id.


10-21 13:12